No Operating System
The first Operating System
GMOS: General Motors Os made for IBM701
GM-NAA I/O was formed of shared routines that provided common access to the input/output devices, and allowed a new program to start when one had finished
34 euros -
IBM system/360
Programmer IBM
For 360/System mainframes, which required direct access storage devices -
Apple DOS
Programmer Steve Wozniak
Brand apple
Price $729 -
Programmer Bell Laboratories
Brand Unix
Price is free -
Programmer Trusted Information Systems which incorporated the Bell-La Padula modelBrand Unix
Price is free -
MAC OS 7.6
Programmer Apple Computer Inc.
Brand Apple -
Mac OS
Programmer in Apple Steve Jobs
Brand Apple
Price $79-85 -
Mircrossoft Windows 1.0
Programmer Microssoft Corporation
Brand Microssoft
Price $100