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History of Music

  • The Banjo is invented

    The Banjo is invented
    Joel Sweeney invented the banjo by putting a neck on a drum and adding guitar strings, he patented the idea from slaves instruments and was the first white banjo player.
  • Beethoven produces Eröica, his third symphony

    Beethoven produces Eröica, his third symphony
  • Robert Schumann is born

    Robert Schumann is born
    Famous Pianist Robert Schumann is born in Germany
  • The French Horn is invented

    The French Horn is invented
    Heinrich Stoelzel Invents the French Horn in Germany after adding a valve he applied to a Horn after being a prestigious member of a music club for many years.
  • The Star Spangled Banner

    The Star Spangled Banner
    Francis Scott Key writes the Star Spangled after being inspired by a British Bombing of Fort McHenry during the War of 1812
  • The Harmonica is invented

    The Harmonica is invented
    Christian Friedrich Ludwig Buschmann Invents the Harmonica in Germany, although other inventors had the same design before him, he patented it.
  • The Accordion is Invented

    The Accordion is Invented
    Christian Buschmann Invents the accordion.
  • The Death of Ludwig Van Beethoven

    The Death of Ludwig Van Beethoven
    Ludwig Van Beethoven died
  • Period: to

    Texas Revolts

    Texas declares its independence from Mexico and enjoys its status as a country briefly before joining the United States.
  • Théâtre de l'Opéra

    Théâtre de l'Opéra
    The first French Opera house in New Orleans, Louisiana is opened.
  • The American Civil War

    The American Civil War
    Civil War breaks out in the United States of America
  • The Electromechanical Piano is Invented

    The Electromechanical Piano is Invented
    In 1867 Hipp created an ‘Electromechanical Piano’. How this instrument operated is unclear, no contemporary records exist that describe the instrument in any detail but modern texts suggest that it was a ‘true’ electronic instrument, generating sounds through multiple dynamos:
  • Carmen and the death of Bizet

    Carmen and the death of Bizet
    The opera “Carmen” by Georges Bizet is performed for the first time in Paris. The very same year, Bizet passes away
  • The Keyboard is invented

    The Keyboard is invented
    Elisha Gray invents the Musical Telegraph, after his first invention is sniped from him by Alexander Graham Bell, the patentor of the telephone.
  • The Gramophone is invented

    The Gramophone is invented
    Thomas Edison finally invents the Gramphone
  • Alexander Alexandrov is born

    Alexander Alexandrov is born
    Alexander Alexandrov is born, leading to the eventual creation of the Soviet national anthem
  • Flight of the Bumblebees is composed

    Flight of the Bumblebees is composed
    Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov composes “Flight of the Bumblebees” for the play “Tsar Saltan” from 1899-1900
  • Queen Victoria dies

    Queen of England and empress of India dies, letting king Edward VI.
  • First Nobel Prozes awarded

    The first novel prizes are awarded in Stockholm, Sweden
  • First Airplane

    The Wright brothers make the first successful airplane
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    World War 1

    A war between the central and allied poweres