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History of Multilingual Competency in the United States

By Meccaz
  • The U.S. signs a treaty with Cherokee tribes

    The U.S. signs a treaty with Cherokee tribes
    The U.S. signed a treaty in which it recognizes the Cherokees their rights to speak their native language. In 1828, the Cherokee people demanded rights to speak their native language. Cherokees established a 21 school educational system that used the Cherokee syllabrary to accomplish a ninety percent literacy rate in their native language.
  • Ohio adopts bilingual education

    Ohio adopts bilingual education
    Schools were requested by parents to have bilingual education.
  • Mexican territory is annexed to the United States in the Treaty of Guadalupe

    Mexican territory is annexed to the United States in the Treaty of Guadalupe
  • The federal government forces Native-American children to attend off-reservation schools.

    The federal government forces Native-American children to attend off-reservation schools.
    Native-Americans were banned from speaking their nattive language. They were forced to go to schools away from their reservation as a punishment for speaking their language.
  • First Antibilingual educaitonal legislation has passed

    First Antibilingual educaitonal legislation has passed
  • U.S. wins Spanish-American War and colonizes Puerto Rico and the Philippines

    U.S. wins Spanish-American War and colonizes Puerto Rico and the Philippines
  • Meyer vs. Nebraska

    The Supreme Court bans an English-only law in a case brought by German Americans.
  • Del Rio Independent School District v. Salvatierra

    Del Rio Independent School District v. Salvatierra
  • Lemon Grove v. Álvarez

    Lemon Grove v. Álvarez
  • Massive IQ testing of Puerto Ricans in New York is used to justify widespread school placement of Spanish-speaking children two to three years below grade level

  • Japanese-language schools are closed

    Japanese-language schools are closed
  • Period: to

    Méndez v. Westminster School District

  • Bilingual Education was reborn

    Bilingual Education was reborn
  • Immigrants fleeing the Cuban revolution demand Spanish-language schooling

    Immigrants fleeing the Cuban revolution demand Spanish-language schooling
  • The Civil Rights Act: Title VI

    The Civil Rights Act: Title VI
  • 10,000 Chicanos boycott schools in Los Angeles demanding bilingual education and more Latino teachers; boycotts spread across U.S.

    10,000 Chicanos boycott schools in Los Angeles demanding bilingual education and more Latino teachers; boycotts spread across U.S.
  • ESEA Title VII offers funding for bilingual education programs. First bilingual kindergarten in New York City

    ESEA Title VII offers funding for bilingual education programs. First bilingual kindergarten in New York City
  • A Group of non-speaking English Chinese students sued San Francisco Unified Schools district officials

    A Group of non-speaking English Chinese students sued San Francisco Unified Schools district officials
  • Keyes v. School District No. 1, Denver, Colorado

    Keyes v. School District No. 1, Denver, Colorado
  • The Equal Education Opportunities Act

    The Equal Education Opportunities Act
  • Lau Remedies

    The May 25 (1975) Memorandum from the Office for Civil Rights (also called the Lau Remedies) mandated that school districts with more than 5 percent national-origin minority children must offer special language instruction for students with a limited command of English.
  • Ríos v. Read

  • Castañeda v. Pickard

    Castañeda v. Pickard
  • Plyler v. Doe

    Plyler v. Doe
  • Gómez v. Illinois State Board of Education

  • Florida Consent Decree

    Florida Consent Decree
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA), Public Law 108-446

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA), Public Law 108-446
  • Williams et al. v. State of California et al

    Williams et al. v. State of California et al
  • No Child Left Behind Act, Title III

    No Child Left Behind Act, Title III