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History of Multicultural Education

  • University of Iowa, First to Admit Men and Women on Equal Basis

    University of Iowa, First to Admit Men and Women on Equal Basis
    Higher education was very hard to come by for female students back in the 1800s'. Not to mention that this was also the first state college to allow both genders on an equal playing field of education. It would be a while till it really had an effect, but it still is significant.
  • Alvarez V Lemon Grove

    Alvarez V Lemon Grove
    This court case marks one of the first ever wins for the desegregation of a school in the Southwest. It may not have been precedent-setting, but with the win, it would help continue the trend of Mexican/Spanish descent students to be able to attend legitimate schools.
  • Mendez V Westminster Court Case

    Mendez V Westminster Court Case
    The Case of Mendez V. Westminster would be one of the cases that would challenge segregation in schools. Sadly the court case would be lost to time due to it not being taught or implemented to California.
  • Brown v Board of Education

    Brown v Board of Education
    The court case of Brown V Board of Education would find segregation based off of race to be deemed unconstitutional. It would overturn a previous precedent set by Plessy V Ferguson on it's "Separate but Equal" principle.
  • Ruby Bridges Attends William Frantz Elementary

    Ruby Bridges Attends William Frantz Elementary
    Ruby Bridges is a significant historical figure due to her being the first African American to integrate into an all-white Southern school. This event would also be depicted in a famous Norman Rockwell painting.
  • Lyndon Johnson Signs Immigration Act of 1965

    Lyndon Johnson Signs Immigration Act of 1965
    With the signing of Immigration Act, a larger influx of diverse races become citizens to the country. While the act didn't directly address education, it would increase the influx of Latin and Asian Americans.
  • Bilingual Education Act Enacted

    Bilingual Education Act Enacted
    The Bilingual Education Act was created to help create an equal footing for minorities in education. Unfortunately, the law was killed in 2002 but helped integrate many Non-English speakers be educated just like everyone else.
  • Title IX Of Education Amendments

    Title IX Of Education Amendments
    The signing of Title IX would prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender in the education system. With the title enacted every facet of the American education system would have to treat both genders equal.
  • Lau V Nichols

    Lau V Nichols
    With a massive influx of Chinese immigrants or ancestry in California, this case helped further their ability to learn in the schools. This case gave many Chinese-speaking students the ability to participate in public education programs.
  • Indian Education Act Enacted

    Indian Education Act Enacted
    This act would help lay the foundation of support for the Native American tribes all over the country. The varies agencies of the United States would recognize the tribes and provide funding to both adults and children.