Diana v. California State Board
This case was incredibly important in the development of Multicultural Education. Essentially, the case leads to the creation of laws that ensure that when children are tested for special education, they are tested in their first language.Before this decision, special education classes were often racially segregated. After this decision, the percentage of minority children enrolled in special education courses declined by approximately 6%. -
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
Title IX was an incredible feat for gender equity in education. This amendment requires that no discrimination based on sex occurs in any aspect of education. This includes, but is not limited to, sports discrimination. From elementary school to postsecondary education, any educational program funded by the federal government must not discriminate based on sex. -
Board of Education v. Pico
The U.S. Supreme court determined that books cannot be removed or banned from school libraries because employees at the school do not agree with their content. The Court found that the removal of these books would violate the First Amendment. This is a huge step away from censorship and the acknowledgement that works that offend some may be important for others. -
The Emergency Immigrant Education Act of 1984
The Emergency Immigrant Education Act is put into place in 1984. It serves to offset costs for schools and school district that have disproportionately high numbers of immigrant students. Unfortunately, because of the increase of eligible students, the amount awarded per student has decreased significantly in recent years. -
Teach for America is Formed
In 1990, Teach for America is formed. The program is created to improve teaching in low-income areas. The idea is that college graduates interested in teaching will be trained to teach in disadvantaged school districts. The program is still in place. -
Higher Education Act Amended
The Higher Education Act of 1965 is amended significantly. The new changes create increased access to higher education for low income students. This is incredibly important for the advancement of multicultural education, because the cost of higher education is a deterrent for many socioeconomically disadvantaged students. -
The Individuals with Disabilities Improvement Act of 2004
This Act modifies the IDEA. It focused on the IEP process, and allows school employees to have more authority in making placement decisions for special education. Also, the program was implemented to identify students at risk for learning disabilities earlier in their education. This is crucial for the well being of students with intellectual disabilities. -
Demographic Shift of 2014
As of fall in 2014, minority students enrolled in K-12 public school classrooms officially outnumber non-Hispanic Caucasians. This shift shows the importance of improving educational outcomes for culturally diverse students. For so long, education has been created to serve the majority. This demographic shift is hugely important for the development of multicultural education. -
Transgender Bathroom Directive
The federal government tells school districts to allow trans students to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity. Additionally, trans students can not be required to use single-use facilities as a solution. This is an incredibly important step for gender identity and expression for students. -
National Walkout Day of 2018
On April 20th, 2018, students protest gun violence. A series of massacres at school campuses across the country have led to increased lack of safety for students. Additionally, the underwhelming response from legislators about gun control continues to impact students. On the 19th anniversary of the Columbine High School shooting, students come together to demand gun control.