History of multicultural education

By rrochin
  • Engel v. Vitale

    Engel v. Vitale
    This law finds the prayer that must be said at the beginning of the class at public schools unconstitutional. Having this law passed, students can practice their religion at home and not interfere with other children's religion.
  • Coral Way Elementary

    Coral Way Elementary
    This school opened up its learning to bilingual education instead of a school that only speaks English. This supports multicultural education because in this school there are students who speak English or Spanish.
  • Murray v. Curlett

    Murray v. Curlett
    After passing Engel v. Vitale the Supreme Court reaffirms that no school can acquire any information from the Bible or any prayers stated at public schools. This impacted multicultural education because those students who have a religion that is more common won't influence those students whose religion is different or have no religion at all.
  • The Civil Rights Act

    The Civil Rights Act
    this law prohibits discrimination based on color, race, national origin, religion, or sex. This act supports multicultural education because schools won't permit discriminating children with different backgrounds.
  • Immigration act of 1965

    Immigration act of 1965
    abolished an earlier quota system based on national origin and established a new immigration policy. It reunites immigrant families and attracting skilled labor to the United States. This helped increase diversity in the classrooms.
  • Equality of educational opportunity

    Equality of educational opportunity
    This ensures that all students have the same educational opportunity regardless of their race, color, religion, and national origin. This supports multicultural education because now any student regardless of the culture can attend the same school, and learn about each others background.
  • Indian education act

    Indian education act
    the 1972 Indian education act a comprehensive approach to meet the unique needs of an American Indian and Alaska native students. It provides services to American Indians and Alaska natives that are not provided by the bureau of Indian affairs.
  • Children's defense fund

    Children's defense fund
    Mrs. Edelman defended the civil liberties of people struggling to overcome poverty and discrimination. This fund gives an opportunity to those children who struggle with discrimination.
  • Case of Lau v. Nichols

    Case of Lau v. Nichols
    This law does not require a specific approach to teaching LEP students, it does require school districts to provide equal opportunities for all students. The court held that since non-english speakers were denied a meaningful education, it was concluded a civil rights violation and the school district demanded to provide students with "appropriate relief".
  • Parents involved In community school v. Seattle district

    Parents involved In community school v. Seattle district
    The Seattle district allowed any students attend their school in that district regardless of their ethnicity. This supports the multicultural education because all students will be integrated than segregated, there will be a mixture of different cultures.