History of Multicultural Education

  • Massachusetts Bay School Law

    Massachusetts Bay School Law
    The Massachusetts Bay School Law passed in 1642, which require children to learn about the principles of religion and the laws of common-wealth. Parents or guardians of the children have held accountable that their children learn about these principles for they can become well-educated people and have better employment in the future. This event impacts multicultural education because it taught children the good and the wrong of the world around them and what would make them a better person.
  • Ursuline Academy of New Orleans

    Ursuline Academy of New Orleans
    The Ursuline Academy of New Orleans was a Catholic school for girls which was founded by the sisters of Saint Ursula. The education for girls was essential for developing of a civilized, spiritual, and just society which the sisters also influenced culture and learning for these girls. This event was an impact because it gave girls a proper education about cultures and not just letting the boys get all the knowledge.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    The United States Supreme Court of the separation of white children and black children in school was one of the most famous cases in history. This case stopped the segregation of children in public schools since it violated the 14th amendment. This event was a significant impact on history because it helped the combination of cultures to merge in the classroom instead of separating them by race.
  • Project Head Start

    Project Head Start
    Project Head Start was a program design for children in the preschool who were from low-income families that needed assistance. The program also helped them with school supplies and other things for proper education. This event was an impact on culture because it helped children who can not afford to go to school get the knowledge they need instead of just the families that can afford it.
  • Immigration Act of 1965

    Immigration Act of 1965
    Lyndon Johnson signed the immigration act that helped children of a minority like Asians and Latin Americans migrating to the United States get into the classroom. This event impacted education and the class because it is going to make the classes more diverse and different cultures are going to improve the environment on the children.
  • Bilingual Education Act

    Bilingual Education Act
    This law provided federal funding for bilingual programs in public school education, and it also made bilingual education be provided in schools. This event was an impact because it helped students who were not proficient in English get help since they were struggling since English isn't their first language.
  • Indian Education Act

    Indian Education Act
    The Indian Education Act helped the needs of American Indian and Alaska Native students. Since they did not have the proper services since they had culture boundaries and did not know their culture. This event was an impact on education and culture because their culture needs to get passed down as well as their education.
  • Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

    Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
    This law prohibits discrimination based on sex in all aspects of education, including sports the most since girls were not allowed to join the football team, this law encourages no matter what gender to join any after school activity/sport. This law impacted the genders to join whatever they wanted without feeling judged or getting made fun of. Now we can have girls join football teams and boys participating in dance classes.
  • The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1990

    The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1990
    This act increased the annual immigration to 700,000 that were allowed into the United States, which added diversity of the nation and in the schools. This event impacted the education system because we had people from all over the world join classrooms spreading culture and beliefs without fearing of deportation.
  • Improving America's Schools Act (IASA)

    Improving America's Schools Act (IASA)
    President Bill Clinton signed this law which allowed the funding for bilingual and immigrant education. Which also helped them with prevention support programs like drop-out prevention and even with technology. This event impacted many aspects, especially promoting diversity in public and charter schools around the United States and helping children with English boundaries.