Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
With Brown v. Board of Education, the US Supreme Court overturned the "separate but equal" clause established by Plessy v. Ferguson. This decision would force the end of segregated schools in the United States. The desegregation of schools is paramount in multicultural education because it brought two previously separated groups together for the first time. -
Integration at Little Rock
The integration of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas was a historic moment in multicultural education. The integration of black students into the historically white school forced a cultural blending that was unprecedented. The Little Rock Nine faced an intense backlash at their attending the school, but their struggles did push the country towards a more diverse and accepting education system. -
The Equality of Educational Opportunity Study
The Equality of Educational Opportunity Study, also known as the Coleman Report, showed that African American students benefitted from being educated in desegregated schools. The report showed the positive effects of integration. The Coleman Report strengthened multicultural education by showing that students were benefitting from being educated in a more diverse environment. The report would ultimately lead to a bigger push toward integration through the method of "busing." -
Title IX
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibited discrimination based on sex in the sphere of education. This measure helped to level the playing field between male and female students. Equality is one of the main principles of multicultural education and Title IX is a prime example of that principle at work. -
Lau v. Nichols
Through Lau v. Nichols, the Supreme Court established that schools are required to provide equal opportunities for all students. Lau v. Nichols was primarily based on discrimination due to limited English proficiency, but it had broader implications as well. The Lau v. Nichols case impacted multicultural education by making sure that all students, regardless of native language, had an equal chance at success. -
Education of All Handicapped Children Act
The Education of All Handicapped Children Act required that students be offered free, appropriate public education that was suited to their personal needs, regardless of the student's ability. This made it so that students with disabilities were included in the public education system in unprecedented ways. This impacted multicultural education by bringing together students, who might never have interacted before. -
Wallace v. Jaffree
The Wallace v. Jaffree case brought the issue of prayer in schools to the Supreme Court. This was an issue that had been hotly contested for many years. In 1985, the Court ruled that silent prayer and teacher-led voluntary prayer at schools violated the First Amendment of the Constitution. This decision empowered the diversity of religion in schools. By striking down in-school prayer, the Court established the fair treatment of different cultures and religions. -
Americans with Disabilities Act
In 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act became law. This act protected disabled Americans from discrimination in many different areas, including education. This law impacted multicultural education by protecting a group that has often been outcasted by the predominant culture in America. -
Higher Education Act
In 2003, the Higher Education Act is changed and reauthorized. This act would provide more opportunity and means for students of low and middle incomes to attend higher education. This act helped multicultural education by providing access to advanced education for students that would not have had the access beforehand. By implementing this act, the US helped to create a more economically diverse student body for universities. -
President Trump Rescinds Bathroom Protections for Transgender Students
In 2017, President Trump canceled a directive instated by President Obama which allowed for transgender students to use the school restroom that aligned with their gender identity. This issue is widely debated in the United States, and the world at large. Many would say that this action by President Trump hurt multicultural education. This prohibition of choice puts many transgender students at risk. The potential for confrontation or violence creates an overall dangerous environment for all.