Coral Way Elementary
As the number of Cuban immigrants migrate to Miami in response to the Cuban Revolution in 1963. Coral Way Elementary was the first bilingual, and bi-cultural school in the United States.
(http://growingintothemystery.net/when-coral-way-elementary-was-new/) -photo -
Civil Rights Act
A landmark piece of legislation that became law. This law prohibits discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion or national origin.
(https://blog.apimages.com/2014/07/01/civil-rights-act-of-1964/) -
Indian Education Act
This Law came into effect in order to help out the special circumstances of American Indian, and Alaskan Native Americans. This Act helped to establish protection for the unique challenges that may come out do to cultural differences.
(http://www.azed.gov/indian-education/) -
The case of Mills v. the Board of Education of Washington, D.C.
As an extention of the Parc V Pennsylavnia case, it helped to promote education for special needs children. Going a step further in establishing appropriate educational alternatives that are suited to a child's particular needs. It reiterates that fact that everyone has the right to an education.
(http://disabilityjustice.org/right-to-education/) -
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
Title IX is a law that prohibits that discrimination of people based on sex or sexual orientation in all aspects of education. Is more commonly known for sports at major universities.
(http://stream.goodwin.drexel.edu/womenincoaching/2012/05/11/sports-illustratred-title-ix-anniversary-edition/) -
"Why Johnny Can't Write"
A famous Newsweek article that sparked a fiery debate on National literacy in the United States. This article lead to a back to basics movement regarding the issue of literacy.
(http://www.english.illinois.edu/-people-/faculty/schaffner/teaching/spring2014/ENGL481/images/Johnny.jpg) -
National Commission on Excellence in Education
The Nation at Risk report asked for the reformation of public school education. It also calls for the promotion of teacher training, and the expansion of real world programs. -
Improving America's Schools Act
Commonly referred to as the IASA, was signed by President Bill Clinton. It is an extention of the ESEA of 1965, but focuses on "funding for bilingual and immigrant education; and provisions for public charter schools, drop-out prevention, and educational technology".
(https://i.ytimg.com/vi/CtvnUHOkRzA/hqdefault.jpg) -
Multicultural Education: Transformative Knowledge and Action,
A book by James Banks, that focuses on the integration of multilingualism in education.
(http://image.slidesharecdn.com/ivetbasicsofeducationsciencesfinal-140114155214-phpapp01/95/john-dewey-james-a-banks-and-albert-bandura-8-638.jpg) -
Every Student Succeeds Act
Signed by President Obama and voted on by Congress. It replaces the No Child Left Behind Act and it aids in promoting state control and judging the quality of a school.