Engel v. Vitale
The Supreme court decided that a school couldn't force children to recite a mandated prayer. This would be a step in helping children of all religions practice their own beliefs, while not having to practice others. -
Civil Rights Act
This was the act that determined there should be no discrimination between sex, race, religion, color or nationality. Many provisions in schools would follow in accordance with this act becoming law. -
Coleman Report
The Equality of Education Opportunity Study, also known as the Coleman Report, was conducted in order to try and see how to balance out opportunities for education. This would result in attempting to desegregate schools and continue improvements in transportation to school -
Indian Education Act
This act is passed in order to try an be more sensitive to Native American students. It was a way to officially recognize the cultural differences of these students. -
Rehabilitation Act
The Rehabilitation Act, especially section 504, is used to help those with disabilities with aid in buildings that are federally funded. -
Equal Educational Opportunities Act
Through previous events such as the Civil Rights Act and the Coleman Report. The Equal Educational Opportunities Act was a means of trying to ensure that equality in education was actively sought after, and that difficulties in the educational system should be problem-solved. This was especially focused on language barriers. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
This was passed into law and required that all children have access to the tools necessary in order to gain an education in an unimposing environment. -
Emergency Immigrant Education Act
This was enacted to try an alleviate some of the financial needs of school districts which had higher populations of immigrant students, in order to still meet academic standards -
American Recovery and Reinvestiment Act
While this was a financial investment for more than just education, there was a significant amount of money that went into preventing layoffs and modernizing schools and their systems -
Teacher Strikes
teachers in Arizona, Kentucky, and Oklahoma go on strike for better pay. This gains national attention, and the need for teachers to make an affordable income is discussed