One world

History of Multicultural Education

  • The Mayflower arrives at Cape Cod

    The Mayflower arrives at Cape Cod
    The Mayflower brought the "Pilgrims" to Cape Cod and the "Pilgrims" brought their Puritan beliefs with them. Thus adding to the different cultures in the "New World."
  • The Plymouth Colony merges with the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

    The Plymouth Colony merges with the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
    When the Plymouth Colony merges with the Massachusetts Bay Colony two cultures mix.
  • First Publicly Supported Library

    First Publicly Supported Library
    Charles Town, South Carolina, establishes the first publicly supported library. A publicly supported library shows that the community is moving to a more literate culture.
  • The Ursuline Academy of New Orleans is founded.

    The Ursuline Academy of New Orleans is founded.
    The Ursuline Academy is a catholic school for girls. The school is the oldest Catholic School for school in the United States.
  • The Revolutionary War Ends

    The Revolutionary War Ends
    With the end of war, the U.S. acquires all the land east of the Mississippi except the Spanish colony of Florida. With this expansion of land, the U.S. is able to expand its culture as well.
  • The Bill of Rights

    The Bill of Rights
    The Bill of Rights gets passed by congress and no mention is made of education. It does state that powers that are not delegated to the federal government are left to the states, meaning education is each state's responsibility.
  • Public Schools Law

    Public Schools Law
    Massachusetts passes a law that requires towns with more than 500 families to have a public high school open to all students. This law makes it so that schooling is available for all students within the state.
  • School specifically for teacher education

    School specifically for teacher education
    The first "normal" school opens in Lexington, Massachusetts. It is the first state-funded school specifically for teacher education.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Proclamation was a proclamation that stated that the slaves were to be freed. Lincoln was the president that gave this proclamation.
  • National Education Association

    National Education Association
    The National Education Association established a standard Secondary School Curriculum. This curriculum is college oriented as post-secondary school became more available for students.