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History of Multicultural Education

  • Ruby Bridges

    She was the first African-American to attend an all whit public elementary school in the American South.
  • school prayer

    The Supreme Court ruled in School District of Abington Township, PA v. Schempp that no school board or state law may require that bible passages or the Lord’s Prayer be recited in public schools.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Prohibits discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion, or national origin. This ended public segregation and employment discrimination.
  • Head Start

    Project Head Start is enacted. A preschool education program for children from low income families.
  • McCarver Elenmentary School

    Becomes the first magnet school in the country. Located in Tacoma, Washington it becomes a high success.
  • Dr. King assassination

    The country and the world mourns a civil rights leaders tragic death. Later becoming a National holiday or day of remembrance
  • Kent State protest

    4 students killed protesting the Vietnam War was seen as a public turning point for anti-War sentiment