History of Multicultural Education

By espyyy4
  • First "free school" opened in Virginia

    First "free school" opened in Virginia
    The first free school opened in Virginia. However, parents and/or tutors in Southern Colonies still preferred to provide education at home.
  • Massachusetts Bay School Law

    Massachusetts Bay School Law
    The Massachusetts Bay School Law was passes in April 1642. This Law was to push parents to ensure their children knew the principles of religion, and the capital laws of commonwealth.
  • Faculty Psychology

    Faculty Psychology
    In 1734, Christian Wolff was the founder of the Faculty Psychology doctrine, which described how the human mind can be developed through "mental discipline". Otherwise known as, tedious drill and repetition of basic skills, mental discipline pushed the eventual study of abstract subjects.
  • Emile ou de l'education

    Emile ou de l'education
    Jean-Jaques Rousseau published the book Emile ou de l'education, which described his views on education. His views strongly conflicted with others of his time, but his views emphasized the importance of early childhood education.
  • Invention of the modern Blackboard

    Invention of the modern Blackboard
    James Pillans invents the modern blackboard, which was a huge advancement in educational efficacy. The blackboard was the beginning or essential tools to be used in a classroom.
  • New England Asylum for the Blind

    New England Asylum for the Blind
    In 1829, the New England Asylum for the Blind opens, and this is a turning point in education for the physically impaired. Blind students were able to learn to use their senses to read and write. Fun fact, being that Hellen Keller graduated from this school
  • Horace Mann

    Horace Mann
    Horace Mann was elected to be the Secretary in the State Board of Education in Massachusetts. He worked tirelessly for increased funding for schools and better training for schools.
  • Mandatory Attendance Law

    Mandatory Attendance Law
    Massachusetts enacts its first mandatory attendance law. It wasn't heavily enforced until several years later, and many states did not have a law like this. However, by 1918, all states had an attendance law.
  • Department of Education

    Department of Education
    In 1867, The Department of Education was created in order to help states establish effective school systems. The Department of Education tries to implement effective spending for schools and better education. This was the start of something essential in the educational system.
  • Modern Typewriter

    Modern Typewriter
    Christopher Sholes invented the modern typewriter, and this is essential to education because with his advancement it became more efficient to write larger forms of information such as papers, research studies, etc. Sholes' invention eventually brought about the advancement in technology that led to our high-tech computers to this day.