Lets talk culture

History of Multicultural Education

  • European Enlightenment is introduced

    European Enlightenment is introduced
    Benjamin Franklin forms the American Philosophical Society which introduces ideas of European Enlightenment. Secularism, science, human reason, are introduced and set a foundation for American culture.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    1791 - The Bill of Rights is passed. This lead to the states having power over education rather than the government.
  • Salvery is Abolished

    Salvery is Abolished
    The 13th Amendment is passed. It abolished slavery and will eventually lead to equality in education.
  • Department of Education created

    Department of Education created
    The Department of Education is created to help stated create a school system. The Department of Education is still a vital part of education to this day. It helps assure that education is accounted for.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    The Civil Rights Act becomes law. This law attempted to stop discrimination of race, color, sex, religion or nationality. African Americans were allowed to work and attend school. This was also a vital part of the education system, allowing ALL to learn together.
  • Refugee Act

    Refugee Act
    The Refugee Act of 1980 becomes law. President Jimmy Carter signed the act. This law allows refugees to settle in the U.S. Many children with special needs were allowed through and into schools.
  • The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1990,

    The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1990,
    The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1990 is enacted. Over 700,000 immigrants came to the U.S. in one year. It increased diversity in schools nationwide. Families of immigrants were given family visas and work-based visas, among others.
  • No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)

    No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)
    No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is approved by Congress. President George W. Bush on January 8, 2002, signed the law. This law mandates testing and holds schools accountable. There must be yearly progress within each school or there are penalties given. This helps ensure that every child is given an equal and fair opportunity to learn, dispite their culutre.
  • Higher Education Act

    Higher Education Act
    The Higher Education Act is again amended. It now expands to higher education for low and middle-income students. It provides funding for graduate studies. This helps many students, especially immigrants expand their education at lower cost.
  • Budget Bill signed

    Budget Bill signed
    President Barack Obama signed the 1.1-trillion dollar budget bill. The bill provides funding for education programs. This money is much needed to improve education across the U.S.A and it is the first budget agreed on by the government since 2009.