Public Schools in New York were having students say a prayer everyday prior to beginning their studies. Parents soon found out about the practice and were outraged. Petitioners in NY were able to strike down this practice due to its violation of the 1st amendment. This case set the tone for all other public schools in America, and brought forth attention to the fact that school are to serve educational purposes, not religious. -
This was the first act that was set in place to help students who were facing challenges with their ability to learn in the classroom. In addition, this act helped to provide resources, financial aide, and teachers who could speak multiple languages. Students who needed extra help were finally able to receive the amount of assistance needed to be successful in their studies. President Johnson created this act. -
Kent State Shooting
The National Guard was called in to dismember violent protesters. Before open-firing upon the crowd, the national guard claimed they were faced with oncoming sniper fire. It was at this time when the National Guard fired live rounds into the crowd, killing four students. This was seen across the country and in the days that followed, thousands of students protested the governments response to the invasion in Cambodia. -
Dartmouth accepts female students
Dartmouth, one of the last Ivy League schools to accept female students, finally changes their policies and accepts 1000 applicants. At the time, the second wave of the feminist movement had begun. Women were starting to be seen as equals to men, but still had a long road ahead of them. -
Tribally Controlled Community College Act
American Indian Community Colleges would start to receive federal assistance to give the students the proper resources needed for their education. This leveled the field for American Indians in the sense they can now compete against all other Americans who have secondary education degree. Secondary education is important, and it is imperative all groups of people and cultures are given adequate resources to thrive in their studies. -
New Jersey VS TLO
Public Schools fought for the ability to search the backpacks of students when reasonable suspicion is present. In this case, a student was caught smoking in the bathroom which led to her bag being searched. Upon the search, illegal contraband was found. The student (TLO) claimed her rights were violated. The Supreme Court rules that school administrators have the right to search the belongings of students due to public schools being directly operated by the government. -
Parents sought out a solution to their child's inability to thrive in public schools by creating the first Online High School. This opened the doors for a new way for students to thrive in a condition that suits them best and allow students to get any education who cannot go to a physical school. -
Transgender Bathrooms
Texas judge blocks President Obama's directive of allowing transgender students to use the restroom of either gender. The judge brought forth Title IX of the Educational Amendments to back up his decision. The judge claimed that without his directive, there would not be a balance between student rights and student privacy. -
National Student Walkout
Thousands of students left their classrooms at 10 AM to bring awareness to the many lives lost in the recent school shootings. It became clear that many parents and students alike no longer felt school is a safe place to be without new policies implemented by the schools to counteract school shootings. The walkout was able to capture the eye of the media and become a national headline. -
LA Teacher Strike
Teachers go on strike for better recourses and a pay raise. After protesting for 6 days, their needs were met. This movement brought attention to how public schools are not properly funded and need more financial assistance to reduce class sizes along with more nurses, librarians, and counselors to give each child the educational experience they deserve.