
History of Morse Code

  • Electric telegraph was invented

  • Morse Code was invented

  • First demonstration in a University classroom

  • Samuel creates a friendship with Dr. Leonard Gale and Alfred Vail

    They helped him significantly with the telegraph
  • Samuel changed the telegraphic dictionary

    he made a code for each letter instead of using number codes to represent words
  • Samuel demonstrated the telegraph to President Martin Van Buren

  • Samuel is given a patent for his telegraph

  • Samuel is given a patent for his telegraph

  • Samuel and Dr. Gale experiment underwater transmission

  • Samuel was given $30,000 to string wires from Washington, D.C. to Baltimore, Maryland

  • Samuel sends the first telegraphed message

    It was from the Supreme Court chamber in Washington, D.C., to the Railroad Depot in Baltimore, Maryland.
  • First arrest via telegraph

    John Tawell was found guilty of murdering his wife
  • First arrest via telegraph

    John Tawell was found guilty of murdering his wife
  • European nations created International Morse Code

    IMC included letters with diacritic marks