History of Modern Europe: 1648-1948

  • Period: to

    Modern European History

  • Battle of Vienna Map

    Battle of Vienna Map
    Italian map of the Battle of Vienna in 1683. Artist unknown. This map displays the forms of war strategies and tactics that emerged during the Military Revolution
  • Peter the Great (Peter I)

    Peter the Great (Peter I)
    Portrait of Peter I by English artist Godfrey Kneller in 1698 in England. The portrait was a gift for the King of England. The significance of the portrait lies in the ship in the background, indicating the rise of sea powers (thalassocracy).
  • The Battle of Wagram

    The Battle of Wagram
    Napoleon at Wagram in 1809, painted by Horace Vernet near Vienna. This painting illustrates the Napoleon's rational and mathematical approach to warfare, making for a highly strategized and tactical millitary.
  • Lord Byron during Greek War of Independence

    Lord Byron during Greek War of Independence
    Painting of Lord Byron being greeted by the Greeks in Mesologhion. Unknown artisit. This picture illustrates the idea that people begin to fight wars outside of the borders of their country.
  • Otto can Bismarck Speech "Blood and Iron"

    This is a reproduction of a speech gave my Bismarck promoting the use of war. It is important in displaying the ideals of realpolitik, which emerged during the age of the empires.
  • Otto Dix Etching

    Otto Dix Etching
    This is an etching of a soldier returning from WWI. It was made in 1924 after Dix returned from war. The etching is attempting to demonstrate how Europeans have become numb and accostomed to the violence and brutality of war