History of Metorology Contributators

  • 250


    In 250 BC Archimedes studies the concepts of buoyancy and the hydrostatic principle. Positive buoyancy is necessary for the formation of convective clouds
  • 340


    In 340 BC Aristotle wrote a book entitled Meterorologica, it summerized meterorological knoledge that they had at the time.
  • Galileo Galilei

    In the 17th century Galileo Galilei inventeda device to measure tempurature, much like modern termomaters.
  • Blasie Pascal

    IIn the 17th century Blasie Pascal discovered that atmospheric pressure was linked to altitude.
  • Evangelist Torricelli

    In 1643 an Italian Physicist, Evangelsit Torricelli invented teh barometer.
  • Sir Christopher Wren

    In 1662 Sir Christopher Wren invented the mechanical, self-emptying, tipping bucket rain gauge
  • Robert Hooke

    In 1667 Robert Hooke builds another type of anemometer, called a pressure-plate anemometer
  • Edmund Halley

    In 1686 Edmund Halley discovered taht the sun was the driving force in the wind.
  • Daniel Farenheit

    In 1714 Daniel Farenheit developed the Mercury Thermometer.
  • Anders Celsius

    In 1742 Anders Celsius introduces teh Centigrade unit, wich measured the tempurature in Celcius insted of in Farinheit.
  • Benjamin Franklin

    In 1750 Benjamin Frankin conducts his world famous lightnign experiment, in his life time he will also discorver and invent many other things such as the lightening rod.
  • Laurent Lawoisier

    In 765 the daily meaurment of air pressure, moisture content, wind speed and direction began to be made. This was first done by Fren Scientist Laurent Lawoisier.
  • Luke Howard

    In 1803 Luke Howard catagorizes clouds, Cumulus, Stratus, Cirrus and Nimbus.
  • John James Waterston

    In 1843 John James Waterston fully expounds the kinetic theory of gases, but is ridiculed and ignored
  • Lucien Vidie

    In 1843 Lucien Vidie invented the aneroid barometer.
  • Samuel Morse

    In the mid 1800 Samuel Morse invented teh electice telograph to allow weather finding to be sent to people faster.
  • Robert FitzRoy

    In 1860 Robert FitxRoy was teh first to publish a weather forcast.
  • Lewis Richardson

    In teh early 1900's Lewis Richardson said that since the Atmosphere follows the Laws of Phyisics, it is possible to use mathmatical equations to predict futre weather conditions. But the way he figured things out took to long, but when computers where invented it became easyer to use this method.
  • Norweigan Meteorologists

    In the 1920's Norweigan meteorologists formulated the idea fo airmasses and fronts.
  • Weather Satellites

    In 1960 the world first weather staellite (TIROSI) was sent into space.