History of meme websites

  • Fark

  • Something Awful Forums

    Something awful and Fark were the two places where most of the earliest memes stemmed from.
  • 4chan

    This was where the internet first got really raunchy in a large way. This lead to a lot of memes unsurprisingly.
  • Youtube

    The earliest video memes all stemmed from YouTube, and it was these memes that helped popularize YouTube as a platform. YouTube still holds the crown for video memes.
  • Reddit

    Reddit was the first Forum website that was broadly used by the public. Something awful and fark were pretty small communities. Reddit had communities for everything, and that is why it remains popular today, especially for meme sharing.
  • Icanhazcheezburger.com

    This was the first of many websites that was dedicated to meme posting. It was a curated list of new memes that updated regularly, which kept people coming back
  • Instagram

    Instagram has become progressively more popular since 2010, and only continues to grow.
  • Twitter

    Twitter was founded in 2006 but didn't become popular until 2012. It helped spread memes, because you could see the memes that celebrity's were sharing.
  • Vine

    The greatest meme platform to ever exist was created in 2013, and died in 2015. It burned bright for a very short time. It popularized 6 second video memes. If you could be funny in 6 seconds, you could really be funny.
  • TickTok

    TikTok is similar to vine in that it is short video memes, but it's gimmick is more based on lip-synching audio, instead of original content, making it inferior to vine in everyway.
  • Today

    The most popular meme sharing websites are probably YouTube, Instagram, Reddit, and TikTok. This can change very quickly though. New websites and memes are created daily, and it is only a matter of time before the new best one come out. #vine2 #byte