history of medicine

By La'Toya
  • 2600 BCE


    Egyptian vizier, Sage, architect, astrologer, and chief minister describes the diagnosis and treatment of 200 diseases.
  • 460 BCE


    He was considered the father of medicine. He included detailed observations of disease and it's effects. He begins the scientific study of medicine and prescribes a form of aspirin
  • 300 BCE


    Wrote the first Anatomy book. He wrote books on animal Anatomy, dietetics, physiology, embryology, and medical botany. Animal Anatomy helped his work of dissection.
  • 130 BCE


    He went to Gladiator school and gained experience on treating wounds. Greek physician to Gladiators in Roman emperors.
  • 910


    Persian Muslim polymath, he was the first to differentiate smallpox from measles. He discovered numerous compounds and chemicals including alcohol, kerosene and others
  • 1010


    Rice the book of healing in the Canon of medicine. The Canon was divided into five books. 1- anatomy, 2- causes and symptoms, 3- hygiene, health, sickness, and death, 4- classification of disease and dietary treatments
  • 1140


    Norman King Rodger the second decrees a license is required to practice medicine. Physicians were licensed after training. women were not allowed to practice. midwives assisted women in giving birth.
  • 1346

    black death

    black death
    The Black Death also known as the plague was a pandemic in Europe from 1347 to 1351 killing most of Europe's population. There was a cure found.
  • 1440

    printing press

    printing press
    Gutenberg invented the printing press. It published books and spread ideas quickly.
  • 1489

    Leonardo da vinci

    Leonardo da vinci
    Conceptually invents an improved version of the helicopter, the use of concentrated solar power, a calculator, a theory of plate tectonics, and dissects Corpses
  • 1540

    barber surgeons

    barber surgeons
    Practice bloodletting, cupping, pulling teeth, animals. Surgeon military, treated better wounds, cut hair, and amputated limbs.
  • 1543


    There were new ideas allow for the city of human anatomy formally forbidden by the church it corrected many ideas Andreas Vesalius had the first accurate work on anatomy in 1543.
  • Zechariah janssen

    Zechariah janssen
    Inventing the first optical telescope and the first compound microscope.
  • scientific method used

    scientific method used
    Scientific method made a major change in medicine and research there was no more guessing or Supernatural causes they started looking for actual causes of illness is based on observations and experimental results.
  • william harvey

    william harvey
    He published in anatomical study of the motion of the heart and of the blood in animals which forms the basis for future research on blood vessels, arteries and the Heart.
  • Sir Christopher wren

    Sir Christopher wren
    Experiments with canine blood transfusions this was very important back in the 1600s.
  • anton van leeuwenhoek

    anton van leeuwenhoek
    He discovered protozoa, the single-celled organisms, he called them animalcules. He also improved the microscope.
  • James lind

    James lind
    He cured scurvy by using Citrus fruits. He discovered that his Sailors were sick so he tested with vitamins.
  • rene laennec

    rene laennec
    He invented the stethoscope while working at hopital necker while diagnosing various chest conditions
  • james blundell

    james blundell
    Performed the first successful blood transfusion of human blood to a patient for treatment of hemorrhage.
  • Period: to

    pancho villa

    He organized Hospital transfer wounded soldiers, boxcars were repurposed for surgical opening theaters.
  • Period: to

    red cross

    The American cross moved to Europe for child health projects. It operated many hospitals. It helped reform the health of European youth.
  • flu pandemic

    The flu pandemic killed at least 50 million people around the world Bristol show there was a gendered responsive Health caregivers of the pandemic. Doctors weren't able to cure their patients.
  • Period: to

    Norman Bethune

    Developed a mobile blood transfusion service for Frontline operators in the Spanish Civil War.
  • Second world war

    By 1944 people were receiving treatment within hours of them being wounded mobility of field hospitals and ambulances took care of the sick and wounded.
  • hela cells

    hela cells
    Hela cells led to the Breakthrough in the study of Herpes, leukemia, Parkinson's disease, influenza, hemophilia, genetic diagnosis, cancer, AIDS, toxic substances and polio. It is Immortal cell used in scientific research.
  • hiv epidemic

    In southern Africa there was an HIV epidemic that began around the 1990s it was a problem for National Health.