History of media in the news

By jct1993
  • Jan 1, 1439

    The Invention of the Printing Press

    The Invention of the Printing Press
    Printing presses allowed documents and books to be printed en masse, rather than to be hand written.
  • Publication of the first journals

    Publication of the first journals
    The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society was published, this was the first journal ever published.
  • First Magazine Published in London

    First Magazine Published in London
    The Gentlemans Magazine was the first magazine ever published. As you can see it differs greatly from todays celebrity filled affairs.
  • First Major Newspaper Published

    The Times was the first major newspaper, after beginning life in 1785 under the name "The Daily Universal Register"
  • Invention of the Telephone

    Invention of the Telephone
    The first telephone was invented by Alexander Bell, who made a phone call to his assistant Thomas Watson, saying "Watson come here I need to speak to you"
  • Home telephones widely available

    Home telephones widely available
    Telephones became more like the ones we see today and started appearing in peoples houses.
  • BBC Radio Begins Broadcasting

    BBC Radio Begins Broadcasting
    The British Broadcasting Corporation begins broadcasting into peoples homes via wireless radios
  • BBC starts broadcasting television

    BBC starts broadcasting television
    Television sets appear in peoples homes
  • Invention of the Internet

    Invention of the Internet
    The internet was invented by the US military
  • Cable Television Introduced in the UK

    Cable Television Introduced in the UK
    Cable tv became widely available, broadcasting a larger range of channels than regular terrestrial sets.
  • First Mobile Phone on Sale in the UK

    First Mobile Phone on Sale in the UK
    The first mobile phones went on sale, these were much different from todays compact and lightweight affairs, they were big bricks which were designed to be carried around in a briefcase.
  • Introduction of Satellite Television

    Introduction of Satellite Television
    Satellite tv (such as sky) produced even more stations than cable, this works by getting signal from a satellite beamed onto a dish that gets attached to your house.
  • First SMS Message Sent

    First SMS Message Sent
    Sms (short message service) are messages that are less than 160 characters.
  • World wide web becomes widely available

    World wide web becomes widely available
    The world wide web becomes available to access from a home pc via your phone line.
  • 3G mobile comes into use

    3G mobile comes into use
    3g allowed people to access the internet through 3g on a mobile device
  • Web 2.0 developed

    Web 2.0 developed
    web 2.0 comes into use, this enhances the capabilities of social networking sites.
  • 4g mobile technolgy introduced

    4g mobile technolgy introduced
    4g is Ultra fast mobile internet for the latest smart mobile phones
  • Web 3.0 emerges

    Web 3.0 emerges
    web 3.0 begins to emerge, Intergrated internet which organises things automatically via clouds.