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History of Media

  • 3000 BCE

    The Egyptians Developed Hieroglyphs

    The Egyptians Developed Hieroglyphs
    There are more than 700 various hieroglyphs, depicting either syllables, sounds, or words.
  • The First Newspaper in Europe

    The First Newspaper in Europe
    The first newspaper printed in Europe was Relation of Strasbourg, printed by Johann Carolus.
  • The First Public Library

    The First Public Library
    Benjamin Franklin founded the first public library, known as The Library Company of Philadelphia.
  • The Earliest Known Photograph

    The Earliest Known Photograph
    The first photo ever taken that has survived the wears of time was taken by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce.
  • The First Telegraph

    The First Telegraph
    Samuel Morse sent the First Telegraph line set.
  • The Invention of the First Radio

    The Invention of the First Radio
    Guglielmo Marconi was an Italian inventor, who sent the first ever radio signal.
  • Demonstration of the First Television

    Demonstration of the First Television
    Philo Farnsworth invented and performed the first successful television signal transmission.
  • The First Animated Feature Film

    The First Animated Feature Film
    Walt Disney produced the first ever animated feature, Snow White.
  • The Internet Intro to the World

    The Internet Intro to the World
    The United States Advanced Research Projects Agency created what we know as the internet, but was originally known as ARPANET. It was first connected in 1969. The World Wide Web, which is much more accurate to the internet we know, was created in Switzerland at CERN, in 1990, by Tim Berners-Lee.