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History of media

  • 100 BCE

    Paper was invented

    Paper was invented
    Paper was first invented in China, this made it possible to keep records and have stories being told and stored.
  • 1455

    The printing press was invented

    The printing press was invented
    The printing press was invented by Gutenberg. Which makes literacy spread through Europe.
  • Photography was invented

    Photography was invented
    Photography gave actual visual records of people and can be stored.
  • The telegraph is invented

    The telegraph is invented
    The telegraph was to text and communicate and it break the distance barrier. Before the telegraph the maximum speed the information could travel was about 35 mph.
  • The telephone is invented

    The telephone is invented
    The telephone was invented by bell. It made it possible to talk to someone that wasn’t in the same room. And helped information and news spread quicker.
  • Film is created

    Film is created
    Film was produced first by the Lumiere brothers. It made it possible to watch historical events if you weren’t there.
  • The radio was invented

    The radio was invented
    The first radio broadcast was in the United States and the radio was the birth of the modern mass media.
  • The television enters homes

    The television enters homes
    Was around the first time that televisions and toured peoples homes. So that they could watch the news and didn’t have to go anywhere to see it.
  • The Internet was invented

    The Internet was invented
    The Internet was a global network that revolutionized how people access information and news.
  • The web was new

    The web was new
    The boy ever was a media source that became more popular through the Internet that helps with people to find out new information not only worldwide news but between people.