405985 BCE
Oldest cave paintings in northern Spain's Cantabrian Sea coast, the cave called El Castillo . "this is currently Europe's oldest dated art by at least 4,000 years," said the study's lead author Alistair Pike, an archaeologist at the University of Bristol in the U.K. <a href='http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2012/06/120614-neanderthal-cave-pain -
Egyptian Alphabet from about 4000 years ago
Inscribed around 1800 B.C -
Lascaux cave paintings 20,000 years ago
Acording to Bradshaw Fondation's website, "Lascaux is famous for its Palaeolithic cave paintings, found in a complex of caves in the Dordogne region of southwestern France, because of their exceptional quality, size, sophistication and antiquity. Estimated to be up to 20,000 years old, the paintings consist primarily of large animals, once native to the region. " -
Cave Paintings in Inndonisia from 39,900 years ago
Outlines found in a cave in Inndonisia researchers date back 39,900 years ago -
Death of Jesus 30-33 CE
Jan 1, 632
Quran was finished
Oct 19, 1440
Priniting Press in Invented
No one knows what day it was inventred but we do know where -
Rosetta Stone Found
This fragment was found at el-Rashid (Rosetta) in Egypt , hence its modern name: the Rosetta Stone. It was dug up in 1799 by French soldiers of Napoleon Bonaparte, who were enlarging a fort. -
Telegraph Invented
Somewhere inbetween 1830-1840 -
Gramophone Record Invented
Radio Invented
World War 1 begins
World War 1 ends
First TV invented
World War 2 begins
World War 2 ends
First color TV
Cassette Invented
Stereo 8 invented