Alexis Birthday
I was born at NorthSide Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia. -
Sibling Picture
My brother and had our photo taken in Spring of 2004. -
We were in the living room opening up presents Christmas morning. -
I started to learn how to ride a bike. My parents would take me up to the park and watch me ride around the trails. -
Fourth Of July
It was my first time holding a firecracker for the Fourth of July -
Road trip
My brother and I taking a picture before travelling. -
I dressed up as a pumpkin and went trick n treating with my brother and cousins. -
Birthday Party
I turned 5 years old and had my birthday party at Its Playtime. The theme of my birthday party was princesses. -
School picture Day
I atended Irwin Elemntary School and it was picture day. -
Presidential Election
Barak Obama was elected and it was a very rewarding moment for my family. We all voted for him (those able to of course) and were relieved when he was elected. it affected me positively witnessing an african-AMerican preseident. -
Dance Competition
I joined a dance team around 6 years old. This was at the "Show Out" dance competition. It was my first hip hop dance. -
Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting
The Sandy Hook School Shooting was a major eye-opener for the world. My school instructs us to use see-through bags due to safety for everyone. -
BLM Movement
Even though the world still is evolving in the movement Black Lives Matter today as of 2018, the issue sparked around 2013-2014. It was a response to the tragedy of Trayvon Martin's murder. -
Wayne's School Play
I joined the theater group my freshman year at New Tech/ Wayne high school. -
Cross Country
It was freshman year of cross country for highschool. I finished running the meet at Belmont high School. -
Wayne Football Game
With Kayla at the home football game. The theme was hawaaiin. -
16th Birthday
Parkland Shooting
The shooting in Florida at parkland high school inspired young kids to stand up on laws they didn't think were right. This affected new Tech by making changes in the school that could act as a positive guide in some of our lives, such as "ehat's your 17?"