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History of Mass Media

  • 1436

    Printing press

    Printing press
    The printing press revolutionized society by standardizing language, spreading ideas, increasing literacy, and growing the printing industry
  • Camera

    Not only do pictures help to enhance a story, they also tell a story all their own. When thoughtfully incorporated into the news, photos add context and comprehensibility. In the world of media, photos can make or break a story
  • Movies

    As a form of mass media, films have become an effective medium for storytelling, entertainment, and education. Bollywood cinema, in particular, has significantly impacted the perception of India in the world.
  • Radio

    Radio was unique as a form of mass media because it had the potential to reach anyone, even the illiterate. Radio news in the 1930s and 1940s brought the emotional impact of traumatic events home to the listening public in a way that gave the nation a sense of unity.
  • Electric light

    Electric light
    The Electric light changed society. It became much easier for people to to stay up late in the evening and enjoy more social activities. The night was somewhat tamed by the spread of street lamps, headlights and illuminated signs. The stars disappear in urban areas, and life becomes a 24-hour experience with the simple flick of a switch.
  • Press conference

    Press conference
    Holding a press conference is a simple, effective way to communicate your message with the media. Holding a successful press conference can generate news about your cause and awareness about your project.
  • Television

    Television has the ability to reach a large and diverse audience. Television stations continue to be a primary source of news, entertainment, and information for millions of people worldwide.
  • Internet

    The Internet has a global reach, allowing people to connect and communicate with one another regardless of their physical location.
  • Smartphone

    Mobile journalism, or MOJO, is a term that refers to the practice of reporting news using mobile devices. Smartphones and tablets have become powerful tools for journalists, allowing them to capture and report news in real-time.
  • Social Media

    Social Media
    It has only been made easier by social media. Top news stories are breaking via Twitter and other social networking sites, and people worldwide are becoming instantly aware of them.