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History of Mass Media(10 events)

  • 100 BCE

    Paper is invented in China

    Paper is invented in China
    Historical records and stories can now be stored
  • 1455

    Gutenberg invents the Printing Press

    Gutenberg invents the Printing Press
    Literacy spreads through Europe
  • Photography is invented

    Photography is invented
    Actual visual records of people and history can now be stored
  • Samual Morse invents Morse Code

    Samual Morse invents Morse Code
    Communication breaks the distance barrier
  • The Telegraph is invented

    The Telegraph is invented
    Text communication breaks the distance barrier
  • Bell invents the telephone

    Bell invents the telephone
    Conversations break the distance barrier. You no longer needed to be in the same room or town to talk to someone
  • Lumiere Brothers present the 1st publicly shown film

    Lumiere Brothers present the 1st publicly shown film
    Some people are frightened...
  • 1st radio broadcast in the U.S.

    1st radio broadcast in the U.S.
    Birth of the modern mass media
  • Golden age of film

    Golden age of film
    Hollywood turns actors into national and international celebrities
  • The “Jazz Talker” is the first “talkie”

    The “Jazz Talker” is the first “talkie”
    Silent stars become memories