The UNIX operating system is created by AT&T and is adopted in both academic and professional settings. -
The Computer Systems Research Group at UC Berkeley developed BSD, based on the sixth edition of AT&T UNIX. -
GNU Proyect
Richard Stallman started the GNU project with the goal of creating a free operating systems similar to UNIX. -
MINIX, a Unix-like system for academic purposes, was developed by Andrew S. Tanenbaum to illustrate the concepts presented in his textbook, Operating Systems: Design and Implementation. -
Linus Torvalds, a finnish student who develops a UNIX inspired operating systems in his spare time. -
GNU & Linux
Linux kernel is licensed under the General Public License (GNU), reinforcing its position as free software. -
The oldest currently existing Linux distribution, Slackware, is released for the first time. -
Linux v1.0
Linux kernel V1.0 official launch. -
Linux creates its traditional logo: TUX, a penguin. -
Linux v2.0
Linux kernel version 2.0 is released. -
Microsoft felt threatened by Linux, although he doesn't care now. Microsoft and Linux had a series of confrontations between 1997 and 2001. -
IBM and Oracle
IBM and Oracle, among other major tech companies, start supporting Linux. -
Ubuntu is created and becomes one of the most popular Linux distributions. -
Android & Linux
Android, based on Linux, revolutionizes the smartphone market. -
Red Hat Enterprise | Microsoft & Linux
Oracle releases its own distribution of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Novell and Microsoft announce a cooperation to improve interoperability and mutual patent protection. -
Linux v3.0
Linux kernel version 3.0 is released. -
75% Smartphone.
Android, Google's Linux-based OS, holds a 75% share of the smartphone market based on shipments. -
Ubuntu | 22.000.000 users
Ubuntu reaches 22 million users. -
Linux v5.0
Linux kernel version 5.0 is released. -
Linux v6.0
Linux kernel version 6.0 is released. -
Bibliographic Reference
Frikis del Hacking. (March, 2024). "Historia de Linux". Recuperado de: https://frikisdelhacking.com/sistemas-operativos/linux/historia/
Tecnohost. "¿Cómo es la historia de Linux, sus distribuciones, estructura y sistemas de archivos?". Recuperado de: https://tecnohost.net/como-es-la-historia-de-linux-sus-distribuciones-estructura-y-sistemas-de-archivos-video/ -
Bibliographic Reference 2
AZadslzone. Daniel Caballero. (22 Jan, 2024). " Que es Linux: el sistema operativo de código abierto". Recuperado de: https://www.adslzone.net/reportajes/software/que-es-linux/