History of Labor Visual Timeline

  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    Slavery and involuntary servitude are banned. This amendment stated that nobody would be a slave unless it was a punishment for a crime ruled by a judge.
  • 1st Labor Day

    1st Labor Day
    A holiday that was first celebrated by the Central Labor Union. Another Labor day was celebrated on September 5, 1883
  • Great Southwest Railroad Strike

    Great Southwest Railroad Strike
    This was a Labor union strike with over 200,000 people participating. They were striking against the Union Pacific and the Missouri Pacific.
  • American Federation of Labor

    American Federation of Labor
    A Federation of national labor unions. Labor Unions came together to form a bigger organization.
  • Homestead Strike

    Homestead Strike
    This was an industrial lockout in the steel industry. The result was the death and defeat of strikers and unions of steel workers.
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
    A railroad strike that lasted over 2 months. This was a huge turning point for the US Labor Law.
  • Textile Workers Strike of 1934

    Textile Workers Strike of 1934
    Textile workers started to come together and join the largest labor union which was the United Textile Workers (UTW). After this strike, Textile workers got their wages back up, and it was overall an important turning point for workers in this industry.
  • The Wagner Act

    The Wagner Act
    The National Labor Relations Act. This law guarantees basic rights to private sector workers.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938

    Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938
    This is a labor law that creates a right to a minimum wage. This also established laws like "time and a half pay" and "holiday pay".
  • Taft-Hartley

    The Labor Management Relations Act. This is a federal law that restricts the powers of labor unions.