National Labor Union Founded
Sought to unite with other organizations, 8 hour work day, and a minimum wage. -
Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions formed
Began as a strong supporter of American workers but was taken over by Marxists and Socialists. It was dissolved in 1886 due to the bad PR it brought to other organizations. -
First Labor Day parade in New York City
The Labor day march was inspired by the Canadian labor march of 1872. An America labor leader was invited and he brought it back to new york. The idea spread nation wide, every city across the country began to take part in labor day. -
Ludlow Massacre
President Cleveland sent the National guard sent to end a coal miners strike in Colorado, The National Guard ended up opening fire , killing 7 men and 13 women and children. President Cleveland then declared labor day as a national holiday in a failed effort to be reelected. -
President Franklin Roosevelt proposes New Deal programs to Congress
On March 13, 1933 the first of Roosevelt' reforms named the "The Economy Act" was passed. This cut government employees salaries and decreased veteran's pensions by 15%. -
Fair Labor Standards Act 1938
President Roosevelt saw this as the corner stone for the new deal. It gave the employees the right to a minimum wage of $0.25. It also gave employees the right to an 8 hour work day. -
AFL and CIO merge
The merger of both the American Federation of Labor and the Congress of Industrial Organizations. The AFL-CIO is still strong today with 12.5 million members. -
Executive Order 10988
Executuve bill signed by JFK which gave federal employees the right to bargain. They were allowed to join unions but not allowed to strike. -
Equal Pay Act Bans Wage Discrimination Based on Gender
An amendment to the Fair Labor Standard Act of 1938, the Equal pay act stated "No employer having employees subject to any provisions of this section shall discriminate, within any establishment in which such employees are employed, between employees on the basis of sex by paying wages to employees". -
Occupational Safety and Health Act Passed
A bill which sought to "stimulate employers and employees to institute new and to perfect existing programs for providing safe and healthful working conditions".