Secret Unions
When things started to heat up for employers, they went to all sorts of extremes to protect their reputations. employers would hire lip readers to see if the workers would talking about unions. Because of this, workers started to hold secret ,eetings to talk about the union. -
Peopl enjoyed having steady work. But when their wages began getting cut, and condition increasingly unsafe, workers began to fight against the injustices. -
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Founder of Labor Day
more than 100 years after the forst observance of Labor Day, records show that Peter J. McGuire was first ti suggest a day devoted to honoring laborers -
March from City Hall to Union Square
on this date, over 10,000 workers took unpaid tiem off work to march from City Hall to Union Square. This then became recognised as the first labor day parade. -
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The idea of a holiday specifically for workers on the first Monday of September became popular. Although many were for the idea, it would not be legalized until 12 years later. -
The first state bill was introduced into the New York legislature, but the first to become law was passed by Oregon on February 21, 1887. During the year, four more states created the Labor Day holiday through legislature. -
Railroad Strike
people that worker for the railroad companies went on strike to protest wage cuts. This strike ended with the death of two protestors. -
Sit Down Strike
The Industrial Worker of the World was the first union to use the sit down strike. On this date,3,000 workers at General Electric sat down on the job and stopped production in protest. -
Labor Sunday
Decided by the American Federation of Labor, it was decided that the Sunday following Labor Day would be called Labor Sunday. This decision was made at an AFL convention in 1909. -
Women Join the Fight
During a strike in 1937, women were watching the men protest for their rights as workers. when a police officer tugged on a women's coat, she joined the fight. This resulted in hundreds of other women joining in the protest.