history of japan

  • 710

    The Nara Period (710-194)

    new buddist monasterys were built in the new capital and they quickly gained strong political influence. so much so that to protect the position of the emperor they had to move the capital to Nagaoka in 784. and then it was moved to Kyoto in 794 wich was also the end of the Nara period and the capital was to stay in kyoto for over 100-0 years. the Nara lasted in 710-794
  • 794

    The Heian Period (794-1185)

    the capital was moved to Heian now known as Kyoto. Kyoto was home to mostly the core of the government this consisted of the mikado (emperor) his ministers, aristocrats and monks. in the Heian period, the authority of the emperor slipped and bureaucrats from the Fujiwara clan inserted themselves into positions of power.
  • 1333

    Kamakura Period (1185-1333)

    Minamoto no Yoritomo was the first shogun. The shogun had more power than the emperor but the emperor still was a higher rank. The shogun gave the emperor military protection. Minamoto w=died not long after he became shogun his wife and her father gave the position to Minamoto's second son Sanetomo. They did this to maintain the line of succession while actually maintaining them selves. the last shogun of the Kamakura period was Hojo Moritoki
  • 1573

    Ashikaga (Muromachi) Period (1336-1573)

    in this period there was a war called the Onin war it lasted 1467-1477 it was a civil war nothing much happened in this period besides the war. The Onin War began because of a rivalry between the Hosokawa and Yamana families. the conflict drew influential families to join in as well causing a civil war
  • Tokugawa (Edo) Period (1600-1868)

    during this period Japans economic state developed a more solid state the Samurai left without work during periods of peace some of the samurai took up a trade or became bureaucrats but they still had to live in the samurai code of honor and behave accordingly. Agriculture bloomed in this period things were starting to get better in japan.