Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi establishes Al-Qaeda in Iraq
Zarqawi, established a Jihadist insurgency against the U.S. Military forces on October 1, 2004. He declares allegiance to Osama bin Laden and calls his group AQI. Zarqawi is a brutal leader, and is not as successfull as his successors. -
Period: to
ISIS History
Zarqawi is killed and replaced
In the afternoon of June 7, 2006 a U.S. airstrike killed Zarqawi. Zarqawi was slowly losing support in Iraq due to his attacks against muslims. He is soon succeeded by a 38 year old man named Abu Ayyub Al-Masri. A more successfull leader than Zarqawi. -
Islamic State of Iraq is Created
Al-Masri Declares the creation of ISI, in an effort to regain local support from Sunni tribemen who were killing members of AQI. -
Al-Masri Commits Suicide
Abu Al-Masri was wearing a suicide vest along with four other men, one of whom was Al-baghdadi's son. As U.S. and Iraq forces ambushed a stronghold, Al-Masri and the four men commited jihad. No U.S. or Iraqi soldiers were injured in the blast. -
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
SpeechISI makes al-Baghdadi the new head of Islamic State after the death of al-Masri. -
ISI is Rebranded
ISI is again rebranded due to a merger with Al-quaida forces in Syria. The name is changed to ISIS or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. -
Fallujah, Iraq
After days of fighting ISIS takes control of Fallujah. This city was the cite of one of the biggest battles during the Iraq war. -
Raqqa, Syria
ISIS captures the Syrian city of Raqqa, and it will become the groups HQ in Syria. -
Al-Qaeda Cuts Ties
On February third of 2014 Al-Qeada's new leader, Ayman Al-Zawahiri, becomes frustrated with the groups barbaric and extreme methods, and declares that Al-Qaeda will completely cut ties with ISIS. -
Mosul, Iraq
ISIS claimes the Iraqi city of Mosul after Iraqi soldiers left their posts due to their commanders abandoning them. -
ISIS announces the declaration of a new Islamic Caliphate to claim dominion over all Muslims across the globe. They also proclaim al-Baghdadi as the Caliph, the successor to their prophet Mohammed. -
Obama Authorizes Airstrikes
AirstrikesOn August 7 Barack Obama authorizes U.S. airstrikes in Iraq and Syria. -
James Foley
James FoleyOn November 22, 2012 James Foley was abducted in Syria. ISIS asked for over 100 million dollars for James Foley. The U.S. authorized a classified rescue operation to save James Foley, due to intelligence finding out his location. When they got there the U.S. killed many ISIS members while suffering one minor injury to find out James Foley had been moved. On August 19, 2014 James Foley became the first American citizen to be executed by ISIS. -
Air Strikes
The U.S., Saudi Arabia, The United Arab Nations, Qatar, Bahrain, and Jordan all launch attacks on ISIS targets in Syria. -
Jordanian Pilot
Moaz al-Kasasbeh, a muslim Jordanian Pilot, was captured after his plain crashed in Syria. A video released by ISIS shows him being burned alive. -
Jihadi John
Jihadi John, the poster boy for ISIS and the one responsible for beheading many innocent lives, was identified on February 26, 2015 as a 27 year old british man named Mohammed Emwazi. -
Boko Haram
Boko Haram pledges allegiance to ISIS. ISIS's spokesman says they accept the pledge and tehn proclaiming that their self-proclaimed caliphate has now expanded into West Africa. -
Failed Attack in Dallas, Texas
Two ISIS affiliated terrorists were killed in a failed attack in Dallas. No one was harmed. This was the first action ever taken by ISIS on U.S. soil. -
Ramadi, Iraq
Ramadi falls under ISIS control despite help from aiding countries. This marked the biggest victory for the terrorist group in 2015. -
Turkey Airstrikes
Turkey launches first airstrikes against ISIS. -
Death of Jihadi John
On the 12th of November Jihadi John was killed by a U.S. drone airstrike. -
Paris Attacks
On November 13th a day after Jihadi John was announced to have been killed, ISIS began what would become the largest terrorist attack on a western country they've ever committed. Paris, France was the sight of the horrific terrorist attack that left 129 dead and over 300 wounded. 6 places were attacked, the two most notable were the Stade De France and the Bataclan which was attacked during a sold out concert. -
San Bernardino Shottings
On December 2nd, 2015 two ISIS associates, a husband and a wife, killed 14 people and seriously injured 22 in a mass shooting ordered by ISIS. After the shooting the couple fleed in rented SUV. Four hours later police chased them down and killed both of them in a shootout. This was the last major terrorist attack in 2015. -
ISIS is Completely Abolished
In the year 2025 Teachers will be discussing with their students about the terror of ISIS and how they were destroyed by U.S. and other aiding countries. Proving that fear does not last forever.