History of Internet

  • Foundations of the Internet

    Foundations of the Internet
    Leonard Kleinrock came up with the idea of packet-switching; breaking letters down, sending them separately, then putting them together.
    [Leonard Kleinrock]

    The very first network that allowed computers to talk to each other and work together.
  • Email Communication

    Email Communication
    Ray Tomlinson invented emails Emails allows people to communicate with another another. It is electronic mail. https://www.internethalloffame.org/official-biography-raymond-tomlinson/
  • Computers

    IBM and Hewlett creates the first ever computer, allowing people to research science aspects. Social communication evolves later on.
  • Domain Name System (DNS)

    Domain Name System (DNS)
    An internets "phone book" was created. Allows people to search in what they need without remembering IP addresses.

  • Digital Imagery (GIF)

    Digital Imagery (GIF)
    Graphic imagery is invented, also known as GIFs. They become animated later on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLroLJXHCgg
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    Tim Bernes-Lee invents world wide web. This makes technology accessible to everyone. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Tim-Berners-Lee
  • Free Internet

    Free Internet
    CERN was able to make the internet free for whoever wants to use or create things.
  • Social Media

    Social Media
    Social media advances with new user profiles, friending people, and more.
  • Google's Standards

    Google's Standards
    Google's goals became about fast learning, and easy access to various websites.
  • Open Software

    Open Software
    New aspects for people to modify and create more websites. (e.g. firefox)
  • High-Speed Internet

    High-Speed Internet
    Fast broadband made everything quicker for watching videos, looking things up, etc.
  • Rise of Social Media Platforms

    Rise of Social Media Platforms
    New ways to connect with people on apps came out. Facebook, MySpace , Skype.
  • Smartphones Introuction

    Smartphones Introuction
    Launch of the first ever iPhone. This made internet portable.
  • Internet Usage in Speace

    Internet Usage in Speace
    NASA discovers the usage of the internet in space.
  • Social Media Domination

    Social Media Domination
    Social media become to prime way people communicate with one another.
  • Mobile vs. Desktops

    Mobile vs. Desktops
    People started using mobile devices a lot more than desktops, including for researching on the internet.
  • FCC

    The FCC made the decision of all internet traffic being treated equally. It allowed many opportunities for people.
  • Remote Work

    Remote Work
    COVID-19 made remote work extremely normalized. Many companies now offer hybrid or fully remote schedules.
  • Modern Day

    Modern Day
    Many new tools were made to learn including, many study graduates like google voice, AI tools, and more.