History of Internet

By Ethan55
  • AGOL

    ALGOL, first structured, procedural, programming language to be released. This was important because no one has created such a programming language before.

    A computer that functions, and the first computer to use many of those functions.
  • Mouse conceived

    Douglas Engelbart comes up with "Mouse". Something that we still use today!
  • CDC 6600

    First Supercomputer devoloped. This was important because no other supercomputer had actually worked before this one.
  • Floppy Disk Invented

    Floppy disk invented by IBM. Floppy disk was the first object used for storing data, and now we had flashdrives.
  • Email demonstrated

    First public demonstration of email. This not only was the first viewing of the email, but the demonstration of it, and how to use it.
  • Ethernet cable made

    Robert Metcalfe developed the ethernet cable that provides more bandwidth
  • Apple II

    Apple II is launched. I beneficial computer is created.
  • Messages created

    A program that was developed to exhange messages and newsletters. We still use this technoloy today, normally in Phones.
  • COMPAQ released

    IMB releases COMPAQ, the first portable computer. This is important because this was the first computer that didn't have to stay in one spot.
  • Apple releases Mac

    Macintosh is released by Apple. Huge leap, beacuse we still use these today. They are one of the most popular models.
  • CD ROM Invented

    CD ROM invented by Philips. This was the great because CDs were used for so many purposes.
  • Windows Released

    Windows company was released. Apple's rival company. Created many great computers as well.
  • Macintosh II created.

    Macintosh 2 released. The second line of Macintosh computers.
  • Wolrd wide web created

    World Wide Web created and released by Tim Berners-Lee. This was huge, because we still use the internet today.
  • URL Sytem devoloped

    The URL system was developed. The URL system is now what we use today.
  • White House

    White house goes online. Our government went online for the first time.
  • Windows 95

    windows 95 is launched. The first windows program.
  • Amazon

    Amazon.com book store is launched. Amazon is now one of the largest online retailor.
  • Google

    Google inc is founded. Now the most popular search engine.
  • Mac OS X

    Apple Releases Mac OS X
    Created the basics of all mac operating systems
  • Macbook Pro

    Macbook Pro Released. We use one currently.
  • Windows Vista

    Windows Vista is released
  • Windows 7 Released

    Windows 7 is released.
    The most favorite windows operating system by most people.
  • First Terabyte Harddrive

    First hardrive that held 4 terabyte which is great because it was the biggest harddrive ever made.
  • Now