The Telegraph
Charles Wheatstone created the telegraph, a device that used connected copper wire to communicate from person A to B using morse code, which used electrical impulses, that would soon lead to mainframe communication and transmissions. -
Sputnik Satellite
During the Cold War, Soviet Union launched their Satellite named Sputnik which made the US defense forces in ways to invest in communication systems that would allow info to flow in an event of war or nuclear attack -
Proposal & ARPANET
1962- J.C.R Licklider suggested idea of a network of computers who can speak to each other
1969 - 1st ever message was sent over one computer to another by ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) -
Transmission Control Protocol
Vinton Cerf was a computer scientist who invented a way to introduce computers across the globe in a virtual space called the TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) followed by IP (Internet Protocol) -
1st Email Ever Sent
Programmer Ray Tomlinson sent the first email from one device to another and was also responsible for the @ sign in which emails are addressed too and delivered. -
First "Meme"
The first meme was posted by Scott Fahlman during his time at a university where jokes were taken the wrong way most of the time as you couldn't express human emotions through text during that time. Scott created the smiling face to solve the issue and it soon spread worldwide called "emoticons". -
Considered the "Official" birthday of Internet
ARPNET took over TCP, later contributed to the invention of DNS and usage of "emails". However, advanced computer skills were still needed to use them effectively. -
Creation of The Worldwide Web
Tim Berners-Lee was a computer programmer invented the worldwide web which allowed accessible info to anyone with internet connection -
Creation of Erwise , Mosaic, Netscape Navigator
1992-Creation of Erwise, 1st internet browser with graphical interface
1993- Birth of Erwise lead to development of Mosaic, a popular browser to surf on
1994-Birth if Mosaic lead to development of Netscape Navigator, most popular web browser at the time -
The Nokia N 9000 Communicator
The device was a primitive phone which was the first mobile device with access to the internet that can be used by the public -
The Dancing Baby
The dancing baby is the first most "recognized" meme created. It origins trace back to a collection of data files which then lead to a ground-breaking animation software called "Character Studio'. The meme was incorporated in many tv series such as The Simpsons. The meme was the first truly viral meme. -
This was the year wifi was released for the general public to use, making connecting to the internet wireless through transmitters and radio signals instead of using physical land cables -
Creation of Google
Most popular search engine, Google, is created and still is most popular to this day. It was created by American computer scientists Larry Page and Sergey Brin. -
Dot Coms
During the late 90's lots of companies were trying to start business using the internet. They were known as Dot Comms but despite the major crash in the year 2000's, soon became the platform for huge Tech giants like Amazon and Google -
Creation of Facebook
The original social media platform was called Facebook, created by Mark Zuckerberg. -
Creation of Youtube
Youtube was founded by 3 former Paypal employees: Chad Hurley , Steve Chen , Jawed Karim. One of the most popular sites , allowing users to post and share whatever content they wanted. -
First IPhone by Apple
First iPhone created by Apple that was portable and mobile with internet that is accessible to everyone -
Internet of Things
This is the year where everyday things like your car or fridge was starting to be connected to the internet to make it smarter or more convenient to use -
Artificial Intelligence
This is the year were AI (Artificial Intelligence) was starting to become more commonly used like Siri and Alexa, developed to assist people and even temporarily provide self-therapy. -
A World Filled with Advance Technology
This is the current year where at this point most everyday stuff is connected to the internet and there are many job opportunities open relating or involving it. Even natural artworks can be artificially AI generated to the point you cannot tell what is real or not. Products are made by advanced AI machines, and you can shop online.