Lilla notice this please!!!!!!!!

history of immigration lil

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    Convict Transportation

    Britain transported more than 160000 convicts from it's overcrowded prisons
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    Free Settlers

    200,000 free settlers chose to migrate to Australia. The majority were English agricultural
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    Influx Of Migrant Labour

    Thousands of Chinese people came to Australia during the 1850's gold rushes.
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    In the second half of the 19th century, South Islanders were recruited.
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    White Australians

    Following federation in 1901, Australia's newly farmed Federal Parlimant passed the Immigration Restriction Act.
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    Skilled Labour

    In the years after world war 2, Australia prompted immigration with the catchphrase "Populate Or Perish!"
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    Boat People

    In the late 1970's a new wave of seaborn refugee's docked in Darwin, firstly from Timor and then from Indochina.
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    Refugees form the Middle East, Myanmar and Sri Lanka.

    Since the late 1990's increasing numbers of asylum seekers fleeing conflict in the middle East and Sri Lanka have arrived in Australia.