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History Of Hong Kong

By cassei1
  • The Nanjing Treaty

    The Nanjing Treaty
    the treaty of nankin or nanjing was a peace treaty that ended the first opium war.It was between the UK and the Qing Dynatsy
  • where the changes happened

    where the changes happened
    they happened in the east of Morrison hill, including Bowrington, Happy valley and Causeway bay
  • Period: to

    Birth And early growth of the city

  • the western district opening

    the western district opening
    it helped people get more space to live in
  • The First Telephone Services

    The First Telephone Services
    the first telephone services started at 1882 so you could call people
  • the manual telephone exchange service

    the manual telephone exchange service
    it help people with their phones
  • tutors and private schools

    tutors and private schools
    tutors and private schools started providing people with education when they needed it
  • tai ping shan small apartments demolished

    tai ping shan small apartments demolished
    the environment and hygiene issues were bad so the government shut down the apartments
  • the telephone service got improved

    the telephone service got improved
    they made a new update on the the old telephone service