Period: 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE
Early Beginnings
3900 BCE
Disease Caused By?
In the Early Beginnings, it was thought that supernatural spirits caused diseases. -
3600 BCE
Treatments for sick?
Things like exorcisms, trephining parts of the skull, herbs and plants were used to heal sickness -
3100 BCE
Medicines used today.
Digitalis is used for the heart, quinine for fevers, belladonna and atropine for GI pain, and morphine for general pain. -
Period: 2999 BCE to 399
Ancient Times
2900 BCE
Ancient Egyptians
Ancient Egyptians were the first people to keep accurate health records. Priests acted as physicians. Healed sickness using medicine, splinted fractures, and treated disorders by bloodletting. -
1900 BCE
Ancient Chinese
The Ancient Chinese were the first to use acupuncture therapy. -
900 BCE
Ancient Greeks
The Ancient Greeks were the first to determine the diseases may have a natural cause rather spiritual. Religious custom did not allow for dissection of a human body, anatomy was based of observation of the external body. Hippocrates, father of medicine, found that disease was not caused by supernatural forces. -
Ancient Romans
Found that disease could be caused by lack of sanitation, created aqueducts to funnel clean water into their cites, sewers to carry waste. First to organize medical care, sent medical equipment and physicians with armies. Hospitals were established. -
Period: 400 to 800
Dark Age
Stopped the study of medicine, why?
For 1,000 years, medicine was marginally practiced and studied. They believed life and death were in the hands of God. -
How do they treat disease?
Their treatment was prayer and herbal mixtures. -
Period: 800 to 1400
Middle Age
Things like the Bubonic Plauge, smallpox, diphtheria, syphilis, tuberculosis ran uncontrolled in the Middle Ages. -
Period: 1350 to
Universities and medical schools were built for research, dissection of the human body was accepted, printing and distribution of books made knowledge more accessible. -
Period: 1501 to
16th and 17th Centuries
Leonardo da Vinci
Studied and recorded the anatomy of the body. -
Gabriele Fallopuis
Discovered the fallopian tubes of the female anatomy. -
Bartolommeo Eustachio
Discovered the tube leading from the ear to the throat. -
William Harvey
Discovered circulation of blood and pumping of heart. -
Antonie von Leeuwenhoek
Invented the microscope, discovered bacteria. -
Apothecaries were early pharmacies that engaged in drug and spice trade with the East. -
Period: to
18th Century
Benjamin Franklin
Discovered bifocals, and that colds can be passed from person to person. -
Medical students learning
Students started to attend lectures in classroom and laboratory, also observed patients bedside. -
Joseph Priestley
Discovered the element oxygen. -
Edward Jenner
Discovered a method of vaccination for smallpox. -
Rene Laennec
Invented the stethoscope. -
Period: to
19th and 20th Centuries
Florence Nightingale
Founder of modern nursing, made nursing a respectable profession by attracting well-educated and dedicated woman to her school of nursing. -
Ignaz Semmelweis
Identified that the cause of childbed fever was physicians and others not keeping themselves clean. -
Louis Pasteur
Discovered tiny microorganisims that cause infection. -
Dmitri Ivanovski
Discovered the existence of viruses. -
Joseph Lister
Used carbolic acid on wounds, used antiseptic during surgery. -
Ernest von Bergmann
Developed the method of asepsis to keep an area germ free before and during surgery. -
Robert Koch
Developed culture plate method to identify pathogens, isolated the bacterium that causes tuberculosis. -
Paul Ehrlich
Discovered the effect of medicine on disease causing microorganisims. -
Wilhelm Roentgen
Discovered the x-ray. -
Nitrous oxide, ether, and chloroform were discovered and used to put patients into a deep sleep before surgery. -
Sir Alexander Fleming
Found that penicillin killed life-threatening bacteria. -
Sigmund Freud
Discovered the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind. Determined that the mind and body work together. -
Gerhard Domagk
Discovered sulfonamide compounds that were effective in killing bacteria. -
Jonas Salk
Discovered that a dead polio virus would cause immunity to poliomyelitis. -
Albert Sabin
Used a live polio virus vaccine, which proved more effective than Salk's treatment. -
Francis Crick and James Watson
Both discovered the molecular structure of DNA based on the known double helix. Their model explained how DNA replicates and how hereditary information is coded on it. -
Christian Barnard
Preformed the first successful heart transplant. -
Ben Carson
Pioneer in separating siamese twins and preforming hemispherectomies. -
Period: to
21st Century
HIV Treatments
Stribild was approved for HIV patients in 2013, combining four antiretroviral medications into one dose. -
The cyberknife is a robot that attacks cancerous and non-cancerous tumors using high doses of radiation and intense precision. -
Functional MRI
fMRI's allow doctors to track changes in brain cells, oxygen levels, blood circulation, and how the neurons function. -
Aduhelm is a drug used to treat patients with Alzheimer's. -
Artificial Organs
With the development of artificial organs made in a lab, there will soon be no need for a donor for a transplant.