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History of Healthcare Freckmann

  • Period: 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE

    Early beginnings

  • 3900 BCE

    Disease caused by

    Disease caused by
    Evil spirits
  • 3600 BCE

    Treatments for the sick

    Treatments for the sick
    Blood letting
    Prayer and divine intervention
  • 3100 BCE

    Medicines used today

    Medicines used today
    Digitalis = Heart medication to strengthen and slow heart
    Quinine = controls fever, relives muscle spasms and prevents malaria
    Belladonna and atropine = relieve muscle spasms, especially in GI pain
    Morphine = Pain medicine
  • Period: 2999 BCE to 399

    Ancient times

  • 2900 BCE

    Ancient Egyptians

    Ancient Egyptians
    Health records = earliest people to keep accurate records
    Who’re the physicians = priest
    How did they heal = used medicines, splinted fractures and treated disorders by bloodletting
  • 1900 BCE

    Ancient Chinese

    Ancient Chinese
    learned to treat many illnesses and disease with stone tools then advanced to be the first to use acupuncture
  • 900 BCE

    Ancient Greeks

    Ancient Greeks
    Illness cause nature vs. spiritual = First to study cause by keeping records of what they observed, from this they learned it wasn’t spiritual
    Dissection = during these times religious customs didn’t allow bodies to be dissected
    Hippocrates = the father of medicine based his knowledge on anatomy and observed the external body. He kept notes of signs and symptoms then wrote the standard ethics used today.
  • 100

    Ancient Romans

    Ancient Romans
    Sanitation systems = after learning lack of sanitation caused diseases from the Greeks they brought in clean water by water ways and built sewers and systems.
    Organize Medical care = First to organize this by sending medical equipment and people with armies
    Hospital development = physicians kept rooms for the Ill in their homes and were paid by the government, they also work protective masks
  • Period: 400 to 800

    Dark age

  • 500

    Stopped and study of medicine, why?

    Stopped and study of medicine, why?
    They stopped because the Roman Empire was conquered by Huns who only practiced in convents and monasteries. This is because the church believed life and death was in gods hands. Monks and priests had no interest in how the body functioned.
  • 700

    How do they treat disease

    How do they treat disease
    Primary treatment was prayer, medication was herbal misters and they would watch the outcome
  • Period: 800 to 1400

    Middle Ages

  • 1100


    Epidemics grew and caused millions of deaths like the Bubonic plaque that killed 60 million, also smallpox, diphtheria, syphilis and tuberculosis
  • Period: 1350 to


  • 1450


    Universities = universities were built and so were medical schools for research
    Dissection = dissection was accepted to study the body
    Books = printing press developed and so did the publishing of books to allow greater access to knowledge from research
  • Period: 1501 to

    16th and 17th centuries

  • 1515

    Leonardo da Vinci

    Leonardo da Vinci
    Leonardo da Vinci studied and recorded the body’s anatomy
  • 1550

    Gabriele Fallopius

    Gabriele Fallopius
    Gabriele Fallopius discovered Fallopian tubes from the female anatomy
  • 1563

    Bartolommeo Eustachio

    Bartolommeo Eustachio
    Bartolommeo Eustachio discovered the tube leading from the ear to the throat and named it the Eustachian tube
  • William Harvey

    William Harvey
    William Harvey understood physiology and was able to describe the circulation of blood and the pumping heart using his knowledge
  • Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
    Antoine van Leeuwenhoek invented the microscope proving there’s life smaller than the naked eye can see, he also found the bacteria that causes tooth decay
  • Apothecaries

    Apothecaries (early pharmacies) started in this time, in England they engaged in flourishing trade in drugs and spices
  • Period: to

    18th Century

  • Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin
    He discovered bifocals and found that colds could be passed from person to person
  • Medical students learning

    Medical students learning
    Not only did students attend lectures they also observed patients at their bedside. They were also able to dissect bodies and observe the disease process.
  • Joseph Priestley

    Joseph Priestley
    He discovered oxygen and observed plants refresh the air that they lose, making it usable again
  • Edward Jenner

    Edward Jenner
    He discovered a method of vaccinations for smallpox which saved millions. His discovery also caused immunization and preventive medicine in public health.
  • Rene laennec

    Rene laennec
    Invented the first stethoscope out of wood, it increased the ability detect disease by listening to the hear and lungs
  • Period: to

    19th and 20th centuries

  • Ignaz Semmelweis

    Ignaz Semmelweis
    He identified the cause of childbed fever, he noted that the patients of midwives had fewer deaths. Physicians didn't sanitize which infected and killed women. Many laughed until he was proven right and now washing hands is very important.
  • Florence Nightingale

    Florence Nightingale
    She attracted well educated and dedicated women to the nightingale school of nursing. Graduates raised the standards for nursing making it a respectable profession.
  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur
    Known as the “father of microbiology” discovered tiny microorganisms were everywhere. He found they caused disease but others thought they were created from disease. He also found that heating milk prevent bacteria growth.
  • Dmitri Ivanovski

    Dmitri Ivanovski
    He discovered that some diseased by microorganism can’t be seen through a microscope. They’re called viruses and were not studied until the electron microscope came along.
  • Joseph lister

    Joseph lister
    After learning about Pasteur microorganisms discovery he used carbolic acid on wounds to kill germs that cause infection. First doctor to use antiseptic during surgery.
  • Ernst von Bergmann

    Ernst von Bergmann
    He developed ascesis. He knew from listers research that germs cause infections in wounds so he created a method to keep wounds germ free before and after surgery.
  • Robert Koch

    Robert Koch
    Discovered many disease causing organisms and created the culture plate method to identify pathogens and isolate bacteria that causes tuberculosis. He also supported cleanliness.
  • Paul Ehrlich

    Paul Ehrlich
    He discovered the effect of medicine on disease causing microorganisms and was effective against some but not all bacteria. This the brought the use of chemical to fight disease and after 606 experiments he found it worked.
  • Wilhelm Roentgen

    Wilhelm Roentgen
    He discovered x-rays this allowed doctors to see inside a patients body without cutting it open to find what’s wrong.
  • Anesthesia

    Before this drug herbs, hashish, choking and alcohol were used to help pain but many died from the shock. When nitrous oxide, ether and chloroform were found they used them to put people to sleep so they wouldn’t feel pain.
  • Sir Alexander Fleming

    Sir Alexander Fleming
    He found that penicillin killed fatal bacteria and was a very important discovery because before this was known people died of illnesses we now know are curable.
  • Sigmund Freud

    Sigmund Freud
    He discovered and studied the unconscious and conscious parts of the mind to determine that the mind and body work together.
  • Gerard Domagk

    Gerard Domagk
    He discovered sulfonamide compounds effective of killing bacteria, thus killed deadly diseases.
  • Jonas Salk

    Jonas Salk
    He found that a dead polio virus would cause immunity to poliomyelitis which saved many from crippling and death.
  • Albert Sabin

    Albert Sabin
    He used a live polio virus vaccine which is more effective than Salk’s which is used today to immunize babies against dreaded diseases.
  • Francis Crick and James Watson

    Francis Crick and James Watson
    Discovered the molecular structure of DNA based on its already known double helix. Their model showed how DNA replicates and how hereditary information is coded on it. They won the Nobel Prize in medicine for its discovery.
  • Christian Barnard

    Christian Barnard
    He preformed the first ever successful heart transplant
  • Ben Carson

    Ben Carson
    Ben separated Siamese twins and preforming hemisperectomies, surgeries on the brain to stop seizures
  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • Is health only about physical health?

    Is health only about physical health?
    The world has moved past only looking at one’s physical health. It also looks at people mental, emotional, social and spiritual wellness. To help achieve this the medical community has expanded to Ayurvedic practitioners, Chinese medicine practitioners, chiropractors, homeopaths, hyponotist, and naturopaths to help.
  • Can you reattach lost body parts?

    Can you reattach lost body parts?
    Rather than living without a limb now we are more able to save and severed body parts. Doctors are also able to make transplant. With their research if a limb cannot be saved, a prosthetic is also available to keep doing daily activities.
  • Do patients always need to be cut open to be diagnosed?

    Do patients always need to be cut open to be diagnosed?
    Now we have machines to look inside of the body without cutting holes in people. We also have the ability to use noninvasive techniques for diagnosis which are much safer and faster.
  • Can we care for a fetus before it’s born?

    Can we care for a fetus before it’s born?
    Now with our advanced technology we are able to care and check on the health of an unborn baby in its mothers stomach. We are also able to care for a baby if it is born premature.
  • Can you only get care at a hospital or clinic?

    Can you only get care at a hospital or clinic?
    Now nurses and technicians are visiting patients and client at their homes rather than making them come in to get the help they need. Additionally, new facilities like assisted living centers have been developed to care for the physical, emotional and mental needs of senior citizens.