History of Healthcare

  • Smallpox Vaccine

    Benjamin Waterhouse introduces the Smallpox vaccine to the US and works to gain acceptance of the new procedure. This was important because it helped to prevent the then-deadly disease in many.
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    Healthcare's Most Important Discoveries

  • Anesthesia

    John Collins Warren publically demonstrates the first use of anesthesia. This was absolutely revolutionary, as now there is less stress in both the patient and doctor when preforming surgeries or other high risk procedures.
  • Introduction of insulin

    Elliot Joslin becomes one of the first physicians to introduce insulin to the US. This is important because this has saved and made the live of so many diabetics much easier.
  • The Iron Lung

    Philip Drinker invents the Iron Lung to help polio patients breathe. This was important because it was a unique technological advancement that helped to grow our understanding of using machines in/on the body.
  • Bone Marrow Transplant

    Performed by Dr. E. Donell Thomas, this was the beginning of stem cell implementation in medicine. Stem cells are extremely important and have saved many, this helped to grow our understanding and hopes for cures to things that were thought to be impossible.
  • Human limb reattachment, Heart Rhythm Restoration.

    Replantation of a severed arm, led by Dr. Ronal Malt. Bernard Lown uses electric current to restore the rhythm of the heart. This is important because it deepened our understanding of electric currents with the body, some happening naturally, as well as the technological aspects within the body, and how to reattach it.