Period: 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE
Early Beginnings
3900 BCE
Diseases Caused By
Evil Spirits -
3600 BCE
Treatments For The Sick
Tribal Ceremonies to exorcise Evil Spirits -
3100 BCE
Medicines Used Today
Digitalis, Quinine, Belladonna, Atropine, Morphine are all used in present time. Healthcare workers use these now to cure illnesses that were present in BC/BCE
- Digitalis was used for the heart
- Quinine controls fevers
- Belladonna help GI
- Morphine was used for pain -
Period: 2999 BCE to 399
Ancient Times
2900 BCE
Ancient Egyptians
Egyptians were the earliest people to keep accurate health records. The priests acted as the physicians, they used medicines to heal disease -
1900 BCE
Ancient Chinese
The Ancient Chinese were the first to start acupuncture therapies, people still use this today -
900 BCE
Ancient Greeks
The medicine of the Ancient Greeks were considered art not just a job. They believed it was more natural to become ill then spiritual. The religion custom did not allow bodies to be dissected. The Hippocrates created an Oath that physicians still use to this day -
Ancient Romans
The Romans learned from the Greeks that Sanitation and Organization Systems, they were very precise and kept everything in order. The Ancient Romans shaped what our current Healthcare field is like today. -
Paul Ehrlich
Discovered the effect of medication on disease -
Period: 400 to 800
Dark Age
Stopped the Study of Medicine
1000 years into the Dark Age medicine or healthcare was barely studied -
How do they Treat Disease?
Herbal Mixtures was the main source of medication since the stop of Medical Development -
Period: 800 to 1400
Middle Age
Epidemics is a disease that affected many people at the same time -
Period: 1350 to
Rebirth of medicine and dissection was excepted again -
The Rebirth is considered the “rebirth” of learning, there were many different developments in healthcare.
- University and medical schools became a thing
- dissections became more popular and became a known thing
- Books were published and lots more research was done -
Period: 1501 to
16th and 17th Centuries
Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci was a many of very many talents, he was very dominate in anatomy -
Gabriele Fallopius
Gabriele discovered fallopian tubes of the woman -
Bartolommeo Eustachio
Bartolommeo discovered the tube from the ear to the throat -
William Harvey
William was able to describe the circulation of blood and blood flow -
Antonie von Leeuwenhoek
He invented the Microscope -
Early pharmacies -
Period: to
18th Century
Benjamin Franklin
Franklin invented bifocals -
Medical Student Learning
Students attended lectures and observed patients -
Joseph Priestley
He discovered the element oxygen -
Edward Jenner
Discovered vaccination for small pox -
Rene Laennec
Invented the stethoscope -
Period: to
19th and 20th Centuries
Ignaz Semmelweis
Discovered puerpal fever -
Florence Nightingale
Dedicated to nursing because of saving people from a war -
Louis Pasteur
Known as “Father of Microbiology,” discovered tiny microorganisms -
Dmitri Ivanovski
Discovered diseases that were so microscopic you couldn’t see them with a microscope -
Joseph Lister
Became the first doctor to use antiseptic during a surgery -
Ernst von Bergmann
Developed asepsis -
Robert Koch
He isolated the bacteria that causes tuberculosis -
Paul Ehrlich
He discovered the effect of medicine on disease -
Wilhelm Roentgen
He discovered X-Rays -
Before the 19th century anesthesia was evolved and created -
Sir Alexander Fleming
Fleming found out that penicillin killed life threatening bacteria -
Sigmund Freud
He discovered the conscious and un-conscious parts of the brain/mind -
Gerhard Domagk
He discovered sulfonamide compounds (medications to eat the bacteria) -
Jonas Salk
Discovered that a dead polio virus would cause immunity to poliomyelitis -
Albert Sabin
He used the first ever live polio virus vaccine -
Francis Crick and James Watson
They discovered the molecular structure of the DNA strands -
Christian Barnard
Preformed the first ever successful heart surgery -
Ben Carson
He preformed the first ever surgery to stop brain seizures -
Period: to
21st Century
More Education
Now in present time there is a lot more research and a lot more schooling for future healthcare workers to make that work field very very successful -
Doctors Providing and Caring
Doctors now are often practicing Telemedicine -
There is better communication between patients and doctors for there needs -
Nurses and Technicians
Nurses can now provide at home care not just “in Hospital” care to patients in need -
There are way more opportunities for patients and doctors now in present time because of the huge advancements in medicine