History of health care

  • 500

    Middle ages

    lived very unhygenic, had a lot of rashed, boils, stomach troubles, high fevers and deficiency and wars and cold winters incresed causing epidemic.
  • Period: 500 to

    Middle ages

  • 520

    Middle age Leprosy

    Middle age Leprosy
    caused visible disfigurment and disability and highlly contagious with no cure. Eurpoean people usualy had to wear a bell to identify their presence. Leper colonies were established as a place for quarantine for those who had leprosy
  • Sep 9, 1000

    MIddle age Barber surgens

    cut hair and also preformed surgery to treat cataracts and practiced phlebotomy. They also treated people who were in battle. They would amputate limbs and burned stumps to seal.
  • Nov 13, 1270

    Religion and medicine Christians

    Christian's local healers were often women who served at the monasteries, other treatment condidted of prayer and rest.
  • Sep 10, 1300

    Beginning of Medical Care Regulation

    Physicians were licensed after formal training with experienced doctors. Physicians learned by reading books and practicing with doctors. Women were not allowed to practice medicine durring this time.
  • Nov 12, 1300

    Religion and medicine

    Religion played a significant role in healthcare. Religious instruction was based on the Qurl'an and taught followers social responsibilities. Principles led to the founding of many Islamic hospitals and each had different wards for different illnesses.
  • Sep 9, 1330

    Middle age Black Death

    Also known as Bubonic plague. Deathly outbreak started in China and came from infected rodents and fleas. Symptoms would be high fever and painful swelling og lymph and causes skin to turn from red to black and killed a quarter of Europeans.
  • Sep 9, 1350

    Middle age advancement in healthcare

    in 1350 medicine was begining to industrialize and the first public hospitals were opened and first medical school were established because of huge epidemic out breaks.
  • Sep 10, 1400

    Jacoba Felicie

    Jacoba Felicie
    Practiced medicin without a licens. She defended herself and other women who were embarrassed to go to a male physician, but the judge did not find in her favor and was then forbidden to practice medicine.
  • Sep 11, 1500

    Printing Press

    Made it possible to publish books faster, Information of new discoveried could also be spreak more rapidly.
  • Francis Bacon

    Francis Bacon
    Out break on the Bubonic Plague and was killing millions of peole. using the microscope Francis discovered the plauge came from flees and rodents like rats.
  • Period: to


  • Human anatomy

    Human anatomy
    was studied in 1700s these investigations were forbidden by the curch, but soon helped correct many belifs. Developed the understanding functions of organs and structures in the body.
  • Scientific Method

    changed the way people thought about medicine and research. It was used to acquire knowledge. It was based on observation and taking careful notes.
  • Robert Hooke

    Robert Hooke
    (1635-1703) he built one of the first reflection microscopes.
  • Microscop

    Allowed much more accurate observations of patients and symptoms. Doctors could propose an explanation of disease and test it by experimentation and observation.
  • Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek

    fathre of micro biology. Considered to be the first microbiologist. He improved the microscope and Discribed single celled organism reffered to as animalcules and blood flow. He also contributed toward the establishment of microbiology.
  • Advancements

    Blood cell, bacteria, ad protozoa could be see with a microscope. Doctors did not know blood was carried throughout the whole body.
  • Edward Jenner

    Edward Jenner
    English doctor discovered that milk maids exposed to cow pox did not get small pox. He began indoculating people with the fluid from cowpox blisters practicing vaccination.
  • Period: to

    Industrial revolution

    characterized by great changes caused by machines
  • Stethoscope

    Was invented by Rene Laennec in france. It was used to her the lungs and heart beat of a patiant and to listen to the intestines and blood flow to measure blood pressure.
  • Anesthetics

    Began durring the Industrial Revolution and was made for painless surgery. It also had some risks to it such as death, heart attacks, and pulmonary embolism.
  • Joseph Lister

    Insisted on the use of carbolic soap to disinfect instruments and clean his hands before doctors moved to another patient to stop the spread of infection.
  • Louis Pastuer

    Carried out experiments that were basis for microbiology. Solved mysteries of rabies, anthrax, chicken cholera, and silk worm disease and contributed the development of the first vaccines. He aslo dicribed the scientific basis for fermentation.
  • Louis Pasteur

    Gave birth to many branches of science such as stereochemistry, microbiology, bacteriology, viology, immunology, and molecular diseases by vaccination and pasteurization.
  • Robert Koch

    Discovered pathogens or diseases and proved Lister correct and began modern bacteriology
  • X-rays

    Gained importance in noninvasive diagnoses.
  • Discoveries

    Electronics, and computer science changed clinical medicine.
  • Computer development

    computed axial tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound or sonographic imaging has improved diagnosis and treatment for many diseases.
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Transplants

    Organ transplant are now common and safer and more successful than ever before. Development of artificial organs is progressing.
  • Alexander Fleming

    Discovers penicillian by experimenting on a dish of his that was contaminated.
  • Jonas Salk

    Jonas Salk
    Discovers polio vaccine through the use of HeLa cells. The vaccine consisted of inactivated poliovirus.
  • Advancements

    Had advancements in chemistry, physics, have contributed to current medical practiced. Antibiotics were also invented. Radium used for cancer treatment discovered.
  • smallpox

    WHO declares smallpox eradicated
  • AZT

    Zidovudine is used to combat Aids and prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV.
  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • Steve Thomas

    used sterile maggots for infectious treatment.
  • Human Genome Project

    Identified a complete set of DNA which allows for new and completely individualized medication and treatments.
  • Gardasil

    a vaccine to prevent cervical cancer approved by the FDA
  • Advancements

    Scientists discovered how to use human skin cells to creat embryonic stem cells.

    Midicare Improvements for Patients and Providers act. Provides incentives for practitioners who use electronic health records and e-prescribing.
  • Electronic health records

    Electronic communication that provided instant transmission of information
  • FDA

    Approved implanted AbioCor artificial heart placed in a patient on June 24 but soon died on August 23
  • Fertilization

    virto fertilization is allowing many infertile couples to have children.
  • Middle age Small pox and Measles

    Middle age Small pox and Measles
    Persian doctor, Rhazes discovered the difference between measles and small pox. They both had different rash type trasmited from yeat. They had different symptoms on skin inflamation and were proposed to be two different types of diseases.