Beaumont designs and builds wagon roads for English coal mines using heavy planks on which horses pulled carts and wagons.
First steam engine in America is installed to pump water from a mine.
The first commercially successful steam locomotives, using the Blenkinsop rack and pinion drive, commenced operation on the Middleton Railway.
first bicycle was patented by Baron Karl Drais in Mannheim, Germany,
first mechanicaly powered bicycle
The first mechanically-propelled 2-wheel vehicle was believed to have been built by Kirkpatrick MacMillan, a Scottish blacksmith. -
invention of the saftey bicycle
John Kemp Starley produced the first sucessful saftey bike -
French inventor Gustave Trouvé demonstrated a working three-wheeled automobile
very first car
Benz "Velo" model first car -
ford model T 1927, regarded as the first affordable American automobile