Jan 1, 1407
French Writings
The "great dogs of the mountains" are written by the French as guardians of the Chateau of Lourdes. -
Basque fisherman bought Great Pyrenees over to Newfoundland and mated them with the black curlycoated retriever and formed the Landseer Newfoundland. -
Becoming Royal
Dauphin, Louis XIV, adopted the Great Pyrenees as the Royal Dog of France. -
The first two male Pyrenees were introduced to America by General Lafayette when he brought them over for a friend. -
Queen Victoria of Britian became an owned of a Great Pyrenees. -
The Great Pyrenees' blod was used in Switzerland tp help bring tthe numbers up of the St. Bernard breed after they were depleted by avalanches and distemper. -
The Great Pyrenees were registered with the Kennel Club in London. -
Great Pyrenees were introduced in England for breeding purposes. -
World War I
The Great Pyrenees was used in Northern France and Belguin to pull small carts and to deliver milk. -
The largest Great Pyrenees kennel was established and launched by Mr & Mrs Francis V. Cane. Without them it is doubtful rather or not the blood line would have survived. -
American Kennel Club
The American Kennel Club acorded Great Pyrenees official recognition.