History of Germany: Midterm I

  • Nov 5, 1350


  • Nov 5, 1356

    Golden Bull

  • Nov 5, 1415


  • Nov 5, 1476

    Drummer of Niklashausen causes uproar

  • Nov 5, 1483

    Luther is Born

  • Nov 5, 1486

    Porhibition of Feuds

  • Nov 5, 1490

    Ulrich von Hutton

  • Nov 5, 1495


  • Nov 5, 1495

    Imperial Reform Movement

  • Nov 5, 1495


  • Nov 5, 1517

    Luther disapproves Indulgences

  • Nov 5, 1517

    Dominican Fryer/ St Peters Indulgence

  • Period: Nov 5, 1519 to Nov 5, 1556

    Emperor Charles V

  • Nov 5, 1520

    Karlstadt & Iconoclasm

  • Nov 5, 1520

    Freedom of a Christian

  • Period: Nov 5, 1521 to Nov 5, 1526

    Conflict with French

  • Nov 5, 1522

    Franz von Sickingen

  • Nov 5, 1525

    Luther marries Katharina von Bora

  • Nov 5, 1525

    Posting of 95 Thesis

  • Nov 5, 1525

    Social-political German Peasant war blows up

  • Nov 5, 1525

    Muzner Dies

  • Nov 5, 1530

    Diet of Augesberg

  • Nov 5, 1530

    Shmalkaldic League

  • Nov 5, 1538

    Han Kohlase starts Feud

  • Nov 5, 1540


  • Period: Nov 5, 1545 to Nov 5, 1565

    Council of Trent

  • Nov 5, 1552

    Charles army defeated

  • Nov 5, 1552

    Peace of Augesberg

  • Period: Nov 5, 1571 to

    Confessional Age

  • Period: Nov 5, 1576 to

    Emperor Rudolph II Rules

  • Defenestration of Prague

  • Period: to

    1st Phase

  • Battle of White Mountain

  • Period: to

    2nd Phase

  • Edict of Restitution

  • Swedes enter war

  • Period: to

    3rd Phase

  • Leipzig Manifesto

  • Battle of Breitenfeld

  • Adolph and Christian IV dies

  • Peace of Prague

  • Peace of Prague

  • Period: to

    4th Phase

  • Ferdinand III elected emperor

  • Amale took Regency

  • Bernard of Saxe Weimar Dies

  • End of the Thrity Years War