Jan 1, 1000
The Paleo time period was actually 12,000 years ago. Their tools consisted of wooden, stone, and bone like stuctures, which is what they used to work with. Their homes ranged from Canada on Down through South Africa and many remains of tools and bones from animals and such that they used are found in caves. The Paleo Indians survived by hunting, which makes them hunters. -
Jan 1, 1000
The actual time period for the Archaic time spand is 8000
through 1000 BC. They made their tools out of chipped stone. People often find arachic axes, the axe end was for chopping wood, and the dull end was thought to be used as a hammer. The Arachic people were hunters which meant they travled from place to place so there homes had to be easy to put up, so they were wooden poles slanted and put together then cover with mud and bushes or grass. Their food was believed to be meat and seed plants. -
Jan 1, 1000
The actual time period for this time is 1000 BC through 1000 AD. The woodland people used wood-working tools, grinding tools, axes, and knives that were made from bear claws. Their 'large' villages are thought to house maybe 50 people. The houses were circular and up to 20 houses could be found in a village. They were hunters and gathers meaning they ate plants and meat. -
Period: Jan 1, 1000 to
Their houses were mostly used for shelter from harsh weather . The people were horticulturaralists and used tool like sticks and stone like axes. The Mississippian people spent most of their time outside. They mostly ate berries and vegtables because they were gardeners, however they did eat meat. -
Mar 3, 1540
Hernando de Soto.
Hernando de Soto and his men travled first landed in Georgia and then travled to Georgia.Him and his people travled many riveres in Georgia and came acroos the first recording of barbecue in Georgia. Later they came across Native Americans and set a up a cross in what is now know as Macon and tried to tell the people what it meant. later they travled up more and more rivers and made it to tennese later to come back down to Georgia. -
Charter of 1732
King George was the man who signed the charter of 1732. The charter's purpose was to establish rigths for the people in Georgia to be treated fairly as regular english men even if they were not regualar english men. -
Georgia Founded
James Oglethorpe and 21 other men were the people who founded the original Georgia colony. The purpose for the oringinal Georgia colony was to help people that were dept ridden find there way to a new start. -
Salzburgers Arrive
The Salzburgers founded effingham county which was know as the town called Ebenezer of wehich they named it. The salzburgers were German people. -
Highland Scots Arrived in Georgia
James Oglethorpe decided he needed an army and decided to have the Highland Scots. They first arrived in Savannah and began to get ready to move to Altamaha. THeir duty was to become a large army to protect Georgia. -
Period: to
Henry Ellis
Henry Ellis was put as governor to replace the previous governor James Oglethorpe in 1757. He was the second royal governor of Georgia. He had to retire his spot in 1760. Before he was governor he ran a slave ship to and from Africa. -
Period: to
James Wright
James Wright was the 3rd royal govenor of Georgia. He wasnt very brave and fled Georgia in 1782 because it was under attack and he was said to never be seen again. -
Period: to
American Revolution
The American Revolution began because the new 13 colinies wanted freedom from the British people. The first battle broke out in Lexington and Concord. It all ended when the peace treaty with Britian was signed. The revolution lasted 8 years in all. -
Elijah Clake/ Kettle Creek
Clarke's name was saod to be found on a petition the was for the Kings way of running things but after thst he was found to be on the rebel side. He led a charge in 1779 towards Kettle creek. After leaving the fight in Georgia him and his men moved on pass the Carolina's to find more trouble. -
University of Georgia Founded
UGA is the oldest and largest college in Georgia. Abraham Baldwin was the founder of the University. The university of Georgia was the first university founded in the USA. -
Austin Daboney
Austin Daboney was the only african american to grant land after the revolutionary war because of his servcice. Deboney later comtinued to worker for his former owner and later paid his former owner's son into college at Franklin College. Deboney continued to have a close relationship with that family and was later burried in the family graveyard. -
constitutional Convention
After the revolutionary war most states started in the constitutional convention. Many important people were there and played important roles such as George Washington. the convention was to help get our states to the 21st century. -
Georgia Ratifies Constitution
Georgia was the 4th state to ratify the constitution. Our state has 10 important constituions the help the state run properaly. -
Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin
A patent was granted to Eli Whitney and Phineas Miller to make the cotton gin. The cotton gin was a big hit but didnt get much money for Mr. Eli. The point of the cotton gin was to help make perparring the cotton for market faster. -
Yazoo Land Fraud
George Mattheews signed a Yazoo Act. The land that was sold is now Mississippi. It solf for $500,000, the Georgia people were cheated out of there monet because the land was worth more. this cause trouble. -
Capital Moved to Louisville
Louisville was one of Georgia's first five capitals. In 1798 Louisville was allowed to be the capital of Georgia, but it could not be permanent. It was only the capital for 10 years. -
Missiouri Compromise
The missiouri comprimise was an effort to give Missiouri some land that the people in Missiouri had requested. they needed more land for a bigger terriotiry and this new land would have slaves. -
Dahlonaga Gold Rush
No one knows for sure who found the first of the gold, this is why a date wasn't placed on it until a news paper came out about there being two gold mines in Dalonaga. News got out quickly and men started comimh from all directions anyway they could, this created chaos in Georgia. people were running around like maniacs. Gold ran out soon due to all the prople and thats why it stopped. -
Worechestor vs. Georgia
Worchestor tried to save the Native Americans but didnt not stop the removal act in 1838. He was arrested in Georgia for breaking Georgia laws along eith man other. -
Period: to
Trail of Tears
15,000 Cherokee Indians and 2,000 African American slaves were sent on the trail. 4,000 out of the 15,000 Cherokees died on the trail. There were many groups that werre sent off with 1,000 people in each group. The Trail of Tears was established as a removal act to remove people to the other side of the country. This act was quite popular in the south, however it was not looked upon in the north. -
Comprimoise of 1850
Senator Henry Clay gave some resolutions to try and compromise the North and South. The Fugitive slave Act was put forth and the slave trade in Washington, D.C. was ended. -
Georgia Platform
The Georgia Platform was a statement that was put forth in Georgia after the Comprimise of 1850. Georgia was feeling at a loss because slaves were a main deal in the south and they had been taken away after the Compromise of 1850. -
kansas Nebraska act
The kansas Nebraska actr was to give more terrioty to the US and recieving Kansas and Nebraska gave more land out west. Men were allowed to noewlive out there with slaves if they wanted to. -
Dred Scott Case
Scott wasw trying to get US citizenship in the US but Cheif Justice Roger B. Taney was for salvery and decided that no african american, free or slave, could gain US citizenship with the hrlp of the courts desion. This made african americans not able to fight for or sign a petiotn for the the cause because they were "not apart of the US". Dred Scott made a desion which made abolishinitst amd high elevated noth- South tentions grow wich went to war 3 years later. -
Election of 1860
This election was the 19th presiditional election which was when president lincon was votedin to office. This election was asid to serve as an outbreak of the civil war. President abe also ran against Hannibal Hamlin. -
Period: to
Union Blockade of Georgia
The Union Blockade was to keep confederacy from exchanging. All this took place only 3 years before the civil war. -
battle of Antietam
The battle of Antietam was the first battle of the civil war. General Robert E. Lee along with General Geroge McCllen had a face of at the Antietam creek in Maryland. After this president Lincon was able to pass the emancipation Proclimation. -
Period: to
john reynolds
John Reynolds was US army officer and a general during the American Civil war. And as many brave soldiers he died in action in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania -
Emancipation Proclimation
The Proclimation changed the federal status for more than 3,000,000 slaves in the south. not many people liked this idea and then started the cival war. -
battle of gettysburg
The batlw of gesstylsburg was a very imprtant battle that led to the civil war. This was a bloody battle that killed many people it lasted 3 days and then on july 4th Robet E. Lee was forced to move his army up to virginia. 51,000 people were left wounded or killed. -
Battle of Chickamauga
This battle was a 2 day battle. Braxton Bragg and Geaneral william Rosecrans were the 2 armies in the battle. after dsay one Rosecran was forced to leave. 34,524 people were died or left woundedin this battle. -
Period: to
Anderson Ville Prison Camp
Later this camp becoame known as fort sumpter. This was a prison for the confederate military towards the end of the cicvil war. 13,000 prisomners died in Andersonville. -
Period: to
Sherman's Atlanta Champaign
Sherman's goal was to take down tennee's army, take over atlanta and discontiue vital confederate supplies in line. He did not take his enemy but managed to force Atlanta to surrender. -
Period: to
Sherman's March to Sea
General Sherman lked about 60,000 slodiers from atlanta to savannah in a 285 mile mile. He was trying to scare the citisens of Georgia out of the confederate course. -
Freedman's bureau
Freedman's bureau was designed to help freed black slaves. These slaves gained their freedom through the union victory. It also helped poor hite men from the south after the Civil War. -
Thirteenth Amendment
The thirteenth amendment to the United States Constitution was to completey throw slavery out of the picture, undo it forever. The amendment states ' Neither slavery nor invouluntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exsist within the United States or any place Subject to their jurisdiction." -
Ku Klux Klan Formed
Also know as KKK, it was once a secrect society that grew, and now it is wildly known. It established a politaical and equal econimics for African Americans. The KKK unit was know to be very vilent. -
Fourteenth Amendment
The 14th amendment was to give rights and citizenship to all people born in the US. It gave all people rights to feel dafe and for all the laws to apply equaly to him. The new amendment expanded rights acroos the country. -
Fifteenth Amendment
The 15th amendment gave citizens the right to vote no matter the race. Now no matter what race or what you came from, as long as our were a male American citizen you could vote. -
Henry McNeal Tuner
Tuner was a preacher and was said that his grandfather wasnt a slave because of a tatoo on his arm signifying he was a royal. Tuner was a methodist presacher in Missiouri. He had a legislative seat in macon but was rmoved a few weeks later only to find himself in it again a few years later. He was turned down a few more times fter taht due to race. (i was unable to find an exact date on any of the websites i looked at) -
John and Lugenia Hope
John became Morhouse college institution's president. Lugenia was his wife that followed him on this journey. -
Booker T. Washington
Founded Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute in Alabama A.K.A Tuskegee University. The purpose was to teach African Americans in agriculture. -
International Cotton Exposition
This event was a 2.5 month long event with less than 200,000 people who paid attendance. The exposition was the first to take place in Atlanta in Oglethrope park. The event ended on December 31, 1881 -
Plessy v. Ferguson
The plessy secision decided that segragation was on only fair if it was equal. plessy sat in a "white" car on a train and identified himself as black with a white background in his family. The case was taken all the way to the surpreme court and his lawer said that the segrigation was violating the 13th and 14th ammendment. -
Tom Watson and The Populist
Watson was elected vice president for the populist. His supposrt was required for men to run for an office in Georgia. His term was short. -
WEB DuBois
Founded clack cival rights movement called Niagara movement. He was heloed by his friend William Trotter. -
Alonzo Herdon
Alonzo was Georgia first black millionare. He started a business which became one of the best known busnesses in georgia. -
1906 Atlanta Riot
The riot was a very scary time where white men went and killed, wounded, and destroyed many African Americans' property. White men were scared of loosing there special prvialliges by another race and began putting stories in the newspaper to get others on the elite white men's side. The riot was the start of Jim Crow segregation. -
Period: to
Ivan Allen Jr.
Served 2 terms as 52nd mayor of Atlanta. Served as U.S. Army Quartermaster Corps during World War II. -
Leo Frank Case
Frank was put to trail fopr murder and sexually assault of a 13 year old girl. Jim Conley claimed to have helped Frank dissopose of the body. The jury found Leo guilty but the govener found frank innocent. this caused riots and then Salton was sent away from the state and not to return for a decade. the next morning Leo Frank was hanged. -
Period: to
World War 1
The first world war lasted 4 years with many deaths and wounded soildiers. Thos was a glabal war and is also known as the Great War. The war was centered in Eroupe. -
County Unit System
Purpose was to allow vote in counties in the priamry elections. Finding the winner of stateiwde elections. -
Period: to
William B. Hartsfield
Served as mayor for 6 terms. Established Atlanta's first airport. He became the first chairman of the aviation committee. -
Period: to
The Great Depression
Many people lost homes and jobs and were left poor. Many fathers left to find work and moms and kids tried to do enough odd jobs to save some money. The depression lasted 1 year. many banks closed down because people began taking out there money to save it and keep it from getting stolen. -
Richard Russell
Served 50 years, served as State senate, govenor of georgia, and US senator. -
Period: to
The Holocaust
Germany was where the holocaust took place, many jews were killed simply because of there religon. many died because of religion. -
Civil Conservation Corps
A program to help unemployed and unmarried men. Called public work relief program. It was part of the new deal. -
Agricultural Adjustment Act
The act was a federal law of the New Deal. This act reduced Ag production by paying farmers subsidides. -
Eugene Taladge
67th governor of GA. served 3 terms. He was elected 4 terms but died beofre he was able to serve the fourth ter. -
Benjamin Mays
Mays was a longterm president of Morehouse College. He was part of the cival rights movemen and filled leadership roles in several different national and international organizations. -
Social Sericurity
President FDR signed a law called the Social security act. The socail sercurity act was created to combat unemployment. -
Rural Electrification
It was part of the New Deal. Goverenment began to bring electricity to rual areas that cities could provide for. -
Period: to
World War 2
The second world war was also a global war happening 2 decades after the first. It was to deadliest was in history. It began when GErmany went against the treaty signed after the first world war. -
Pearl Habor
The attack on Pearl Harbor was made by Japan. The attack led to the USA going into the second world war. -
Atlanta Hawks
Professional Basket ball team. Part of the NBA. -
1946 Govenor Race
Eugene talamfge won the governor election and then died before hsi actual run as govenor. Then his son was elected in his place in Janurary of 1947. However, the luitenit govenor took over instead. -
Herman Talmadge
One of Georgia's govenors. Served in US senate. -
Brown VS. Board of Education
Ended segragation in public shchools. Brown declared that segregation in schools was going agaisnt the 14th amendment. -
1956 State Flag
The new flag had the confederate flag as 2/3 of the flag. The flag was the state flag from 1956 to 2001 -
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committe
SNCC was formed to give younger african american people a bigger voice in the cival rights movement. Ella Baker held the first SNCC metting. -
Sibley Commission
1960 Govenor was faced with the descion to close or desetagrate public schools. Sibley was the president of a commitee that went aroud to gauge schools and report back to the govenor. -
Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter
They were the first two african american students accepted into UGA. Ending segregation to universities in Georgia. -
Carl Vinson
Carl served more than 50 years in office. He was the father of "The Two-Ocean Navy" -
The Albany Movement
This was a desinagration coaloition that took place in Albany, Georgia. This took place with The SNCC and the NAACP. -
Martin Luther King Jr.
MLK was a african american minister who was part of the cival rights movement. He was from Alabama and him and houndreds of people marched in Washington DC to end segregation and he mde his famous "I Have A Dream" speech fin front of the Lincon memorial in front of thousands. MLK Jr. was shott and killed but left a very big legacy. -
March To Washington
Took place at the Lincoln Memorial. Thousands of poeple marched to washington where MLK jr. made his I have a dream speech, which influenced the cival rights movement. -
Civil Rights Act
Huge landmark peice of the civil rights legislation that outlawed discrimination. This ended segragation in public places and and employment discrimination. -
Atlanta Falcons
Professional Atlanta football team.Ranklin M. Smith was the founder. -
Atlanta Braves
Professional baseball team in Atlanta. First professional ball team to call the south their home. -
Lester Maddox
75th govenor of Georgia. He was unexpected govenor. He was part of the tightest races fpr govenor in georgia. -
Mayard Jackson Elected Mayor
He was elected Mayor of Atlanta. He was the first Afican American mayor of Atlanta. -
Jimmy Carter In Georgia
The only Gorgia elected president. 2 years before he was president he served as the govenor of Georgia. While in his run for govenor he made a satement that said that segregation had ended. -
Andrew Young
Served as congress man and one of Atlanta's mayors. He was part of the civil acts movement. -
1996 Olympic Games
The 1996 Olympic games were held in Atlanta, Georgia. This brought 2.5 millionj people to Atlanta. The sidewalks, ohusing, roads, and city were improved greatly because of the games,