Charter Of !732
Charter of 1732 was a doucoment singed by King George II and given to James Olgethrope which established GA. The reason was for charity,defense , and economics . Blacd, catholics, and lawyers were not allowed in the colony.With this the 21 turstees were in charge and they couldnt own land , hold politacal power and couldn't get paid for doing it . -
Period: to
History Of Georgia
Founding Savannah
Savannah was the first city founded by James Olgethorpe one of the 21 trustees. Him and his men arrived in a ship named "Ann". When they arrived an Indian Chief named Tomochichi. Even though they had different laungages they talked through Mary Musgrove . -
Founding Ebernezer
Ebernezer was found by Salzburger. They were forced out of Austria for being Protestant -
Founding Of Darien
Founded by Highlander who were recurited to defend the Georgia colony from the spanish in todays Flordia -
Battle of Bloody Marsh
James Olgelthorpe led the colonist to fight the Spain ened in a British victory with help of the highlanders . It is very important because it defended georgia to becoming a spiansh colony. -
Becoming A Royal Colony
The Malcontents were unhappy with Turstees because the couldnt have slaves , rum and no land inheritances. The King was in charge when it became a royal colony. But He had govenors. 1st was John Reynolds then Henry Ellis last James Wright . -
French and Indian War
War fought between Britsh vs. French and Indians. Which was won by British Army , with this win they gained western land . After the war there were taxes put on the colonist to pay for the war and it was a huge effect on the Revolountionary war . -
Proclamation of 1763
With this it gave all of the western land to the indians . The reason was to prevent futher issues with the indians . The coloniest were angry because they wanted the land for their self -
Stamp Act
This tax taxed all papper products. The reason for it was to pay for The french and indian war which mad the coloniest mad because they had to pay for somrthing they didnt do . -
Introble Act
The reason for this law was to make the colonist pay for the damage they had done woth the boston tea party . THere were 4 laws that said ; They had to quater soilders , closed all harbors in Boston , couldnt have any town mettings , and all trials would be held in Britian. -
Declaration of Independence
Thye main author was Thomas Jefferson. This doucement stated that the colony was no longer under British Rule. There were three people who singed it from GA; • Button Gwinnett • Lyman Hall • George Walton . -
Battle of Kettle Creek
This battle wonby the americans aginast the british led by Elijha Clarke. Desipte that slavery was going on Austin Dabney ( only black soilder) fought along side of the rebels. For being in the battle he recivied lots of land in today's Madison Co. -
Battle of Kettle Creek
IN this battle the Patriots won with a great leader named Andrew Pickens . The only Black soilder was Austin Dabney who recived a huge amount of land in presnt day Madison Co. and frredom . -
Siege Of Savannah
In This Battle British Had Cintrol Over Savvanah and The Patorits and French were trying to gain control. Unfortently the British stayed strong and keep Savannah. -
Siege of Savvanah
In this battle British had total control of Savvanah. Despite that the French helped the patoritos British still keep control of Savvanah. -
Founding Of UGA
The founder of UGA was Abraham Baldwin which the land was granted by the goverment whis is called a Land Grant University. When UGA was first created it didnt allow women or blacks. Oringanally Named Franklin College. -
Cotton Gin
Invented By Eli Whitney the Cotton Gin was a machine that quickly sperted the cooton from the seeds. Which made producing cooton easier and there for more slaves were needed. -
Lousiville Ga became the capital of Georgia in 1796 .Eventually moved to ATL because of the populationion moving westwards. In 1864 on Nov. 27 every house was burned to ashes.