History of George Washington

  • George Washington born at 1732

    George Washington born at 1732
    George Washington was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia to Augustine Washington and his second wife Mary Ball.
  • Washington becomes the surveyor of Culpepper County

    Washington becomes the surveyor of Culpepper County
    When he was 7 years old George Washington was appointed county surveyor of county of Culpeper.
  • Washington is appointed to a position in the Virginia Militia

    Washington is appointed to a position in the Virginia Militia
    George contracted smallpox while on the island. The trip was the only time George Washington traveled outside of the North American continent.
  • Washington receives a commission as a Lieutenant Colonel in the newly formed colony-wide Virginia Regiment

    	Washington receives a commission as a Lieutenant Colonel in the newly formed colony-wide Virginia Regiment
    Major Washington and 150 soldiers traveled to the Ohio Valley to fight for Virginia’s claim of the land. This event deeply embarrassed Washington and he resigned his commission. This failed campaign sparked the French and Indian War.
  • George Washington marries Martha Curtis and begins to raise her two children, Jack and Patsy

    George Washington marries Martha Curtis and begins to raise her two children, Jack and Patsy
    George Washington married with Martha and they got two children which are Jack and Pasty.
  • Shots are fired at Lexington and Concord which begins the Revolutionary War

    Shots are fired at Lexington and Concord which begins the Revolutionary War
    Congress appointed George Washington to be the commander of the Continental Army. Washington held this position for the entirety of the American Revolution, totaling eight years.
  • General Washington is defeated at the battle of Brandywine

    General Washington is defeated at the battle of Brandywine
    General Washington offered battle with his army posted behind Brandywine Creek, off the Christina River.
  • Washington resigns his commission as commander-in-chief of the army to the Congress of the Confederation

    Washington resigns his commission as commander-in-chief of the army to the Congress of the Confederation
    Following the end of the American Revolution, Washington addressed Congress on December 23 in Annapolis and resigned his commission. Through this action, Washington gave the power back to the people and was declared a hero around the world.
  • Washington is informed that he was unanimously elected as the first President of the United States

    Washington is informed that he was unanimously elected as the first President of the United States
    George Washington was unanimously elected as first President of the United States.
  • Washington retires to Mount Vernon

    Washington retires to Mount Vernon
    Refusing a third term, Washington retired from the presidency and all public life. Washington set a precedent that has been held to by most of the American presidents who followed him. He returned to Mount Vernon and enjoyed a peaceful retirement.
  • George Washington was died at 1799

    George Washington was died at 1799
    George Washington passed away on December 14 from a throat infection called epiglottitis in his bedroom at Mount Vernon. He was surrounded by close friends and his loving wife Martha.