history of fringerprinting

  • 200 BCE


    They used fingerprinting to sign legal documents.
  • Dr. Nehemiah Grew

    Dr. Nehemiah Grew
    The first European to published friction ridged observations.
  • Govard Bidloo

    Govard Bidloo
    Published the"Anatomy of the Human Body".
  • Marcello Malpighi

    Marcello Malpighi
    He noted fingerprint ridges, spirals and loops in his treatise.
  • Jan Evangelista Purkinje

    Jan Evangelista Purkinje
    He published his thesis discussing nine fingerprint patterns.
  • Hermann Welcker

    Hermann Welcker
    Studied friction ridge skin permanence by printing his own right hand.
  • Sir William James Herschel

    Sir William James Herschel
    Civil servant stationed in India. Required natives to sign contracts with the imprint of their right hand.
  • Dr. Henry Faulds

    Dr. Henry Faulds
    A physician working in Japanese hospital. Published views on the potential application of fingerprinting as a personal identification. Offered to fund a fingerprint bureau at Scotland Yard.
  • Gilbert Thompson

    Gilbert Thompson
    The first known use of fingerprints in the United States.
  • Alphonse Bertillon

    Alphonse Bertillon
    Created the Bertillon System " Portrait Parle". Detailed description of subject based on a system of descriptions which include full length and profile photo and body measurements.
  • Sir Francis Galton

    Sir Francis Galton
    The Father of Fingerprinting. Convinced police that the fingerprinting was viable. Published " Finger Printing". Suggested 3 main patterns: loop, arch, and whirl.
  • Juan Vucetich

    Juan Vucetich
    An Argentine Police Official. Studied Galton's work. Devised the most workable conceit of fingerprinting. His system is still used today in South American Spanish speaking countries.
  • Mr. Edward Richard Henry

    Mr. Edward Richard Henry
    Proposed correct classification system. Most English speaking countries use it today.
  • Period: to

    U.S. Adoption of Fringerprinting System

    Adopted used of fingerprinting for I.D on civil service applications. St. Louis worlds fair presented fingerprint I.D training to police. Fingerprint admissibility was challenged in court. Fingerprint admissibility was upheld.